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Building Capacity: A Systematic Review of Training in the Diagnosis of Autism for Community‐Based Clinicians


In an effort to reduce the “waitlist crisis,” researchers have developed training programs to educate community-based clinicians in best-practice autism diagnostic assessments. This systematic review aims to synthesize the effectiveness and implementation outcomes of such trainings. The following databases were searched from inception until August 2023: PubMed, Web of Science, APA PsycINFO, CINAHL, ERIC, and a select number from Google Scholar. Ten studies were included in the present review because they met the following criteria: development and/or evaluation of a training for practicing community-based clinicians to diagnose autism, published full-text in English, and original research. Risk of bias was assessed through an adapted NIH quality assessment tool. Only seven distinct training programs in autism diagnosis for practicing community-based clinicians were identified. Trainings demonstrated preliminary efficacy in the improvement of clinician knowledge, self-efficacy, practice behavior, and diagnostic accuracy. Many of the trainings had a reported positive impact on the community and were feasible to participate in; however, systems-level factors (e.g., time and reimbursement) remain as barriers to community-based diagnosis. Findings from the present review position clinician training as a promising strategy to increase families' timely access to an autism diagnosis. More research on training models is needed due to both the limited number of trainings and the limited reported effectiveness and implementation outcomes. Future implementation studies are also needed to reduce systems-level barriers and to aid in the determination of what trainings best fit the needs of different contexts.

A Renewal of Dyadic Structural Equation Modeling With Latent Variables: Clarifications, Methodological Advantages, and New Directions


Researchers interested in the quantitative analysis of data from dyads must select a preferred statistical framework. In this review, we focus on one option that has seen relatively modest adoption: dyadic structural equation modeling with latent variables. We begin by distinguishing dyadic SEM from alternate, neighboring, and hybridized frameworks, before sharing our view on the unique—and in our opinion, considerable—value-proposition of the dyadic SEM framework. We then provide some preliminary evidence that dyadic SEM is subordinated in terms of adoption rates versus its competitors, before offering a contextual analysis of why that may have come to be the case. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of future possibilities, some near and accessible and others farther away and more technical, that researchers in the field might pursue (and benefit from) with the help of dyadic SEM with latent variables.

Revisiting the Object‐Processing Paradigm in the Study of Gaze Cues: What Two Decades of Research Have Taught Us About Infant Social Learning


Infants are highly sensitive to social stimuli from early on in ontogeny. Social cues, including others' gaze, not only capture and guide infants' attention, but also modulate the efficiency in which the infant (brain) encodes and recognizes information. Over the last two decades, the novelty preference based object-processing paradigm has been instrumental in investigating this phenomenon experimentally. This paper offers a comprehensive review and critical evaluation of methodological aspects and empirical findings from previous research using this paradigm to study the influence of (non-)social cues on infants' object processing. We highlight the critical role of methodological details and discuss influential factors such as eye contact, infants' object-directed attention, naturalistic environments, and potential neural correlates associated with enhanced object encoding. A comprehensive review table summarizes key methodological details from previous studies to assist researchers in making informed decisions when designing future studies. We conclude that the object-processing paradigm has proven to be an effective method with high potential for future research disentangling the influence of fine-grained factors on infants' object memory.

Methods Used to Assess Early Mathematical Skills in 2‐Year‐Olds: A Review of the Literature


When children are aged around 2 years, many of the early foundations of mathematical skills are developing. Understanding this is important to shed light on theories of mathematical development. Nevertheless, little research has investigated 2-year-olds' early mathematical abilities, with most research focussing on either infants (aged 0–1 years) or pre-schoolers (aged 3–5 years). One possible reason for this lack of research may be the challenges associated with the methods used with this age group. Here, we review the methods used to assess 2-year-olds' basic mathematical skills and identify the gaps and issues with those methods. Our findings indicate several issues, both with individual methods used to test specific skills but also some common challenges applicable across all measures and skills. We discuss the identified issues and highlight a need for more appropriate approaches and for alternative methods of administration to better evaluate 2-year-olds' mathematical skills.

A Credibility Revolution for Relationship Science: Where Can We Step Up Our Game?


The discipline of psychology is undergoing a credibility revolution whereby researchers are critically evaluating and improving their research practices. In this review, we consider how the field of relationship science could capitalize on this movement in the context of four types of validity. Regarding statistical-conclusions validity, we find that relationship scientists are engaging in open science practices (e.g., preregistration, open data sharing) at similar rates to other fields in the context of personality and social psychology journals. However, journals that are specific to the field (i.e., close relationships journals) could do more to encourage these practices. Meanwhile, new meta-scientific research suggests that the field would benefit greatly from rigorous, widescale measurement validation work (construct validity), novel strategies to account for causal confounds (internal validity), and more diverse representation in our samples and measures (external validity). Overall, the credibility revolution offers several specific, actionable recommendations to improve the validity of research findings, many of which are highly relevant to relationship science.

Current Theories and Epistemologies of Couple Communication Center White American Modes of Interaction


The way that partners communicate with each other has been strongly linked with relationship outcomes, and communication therefore occupies a prominent place in key theories of relationship functioning. Direct observation is considered the gold standard methodology for studying couple communication, and this method has been widely used in relationship science over the past 5 decades. Although direct observation of partners' interactional exchanges has yielded insight into the functioning of relationships, it is a tool that is the product of research conducted in the Global North, primarily using samples of White American couples. White American modes of communication and interaction prioritize openly and directly confronting problems, but there is evidence to indicate that this paradigm would not adequately capture the various ways that couples from other cultural backgrounds deal with relationship problems or communicate love and support. By upholding this rigid epistemological definition of “good science,” relationship scholars are limiting our ability to accurately understand relationship functioning among couples from cultural backgrounds that are not aligned with White American ideals, and perpetuating the White American mode of interaction as the “correct” way to behave in a relationship. The current manuscript highlights the ways in which the current observational paradigm is problematic for diversifying relationship science and discusses adjustments that must be made to this methodology, as well as alternative methodological approaches for studying couple communication, that should be adopted in order to move toward an inclusive, global science of close relationships.

A decolonial perspective on Indigenous infant and early childhood mental health: Reclaiming Indigenous ways for the next seven generations


Indigenous lifeways, perspectives, and ways of knowing in the field of infant and early childhood mental health are underrepresented, especially given the inequitable and unjust prevalence of removal and separation of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children from their families and communities by the child welfare system in the United States. Strengthening the infant and early childhood mental health field requires uncovering and addressing the ways in which colonization has intentionally attempted to disrupt and destroy Indigenous family relationships, especially bonds with young children, both historically and perpetuated into the present day. The current article reviews the historical context of Indian child removal as a result of colonization, cultural revitalization efforts, and decolonial frameworks that inform culturally grounded intervention strategies advancing the field of infant and early childhood mental health. Decolonization is highlighted as integral for the reclamation of Indigenous caregiving practices. Community-based and Indigenous-led initiatives such as the Indian Child Welfare Act, Tribal home visiting, and breastfeeding programming are highlighted as diverse strengths-based approaches, informed by Indigenous scholarship to ensure the health and well-being of our future generations.


إن طرق حياة السكان الأصليين ووجهات نظرهم وطرق معرفتهم في مجال الصحة النفسية للرضع والطفولة المبكرة غير ممثلة تمثيلاً كافياً، خاصة بالنظر إلى الانتشار غير العادل وغير المنصف لإبعاد وفصل أطفال الهنود الأمريكيين وسكان ألاسكا الأصليين عن أسرهم ومجتمعاتهم من قبل نظام رعاية الطفل في الولايات المتحدة. إن تعزيز مجال الصحة النفسية للرضع والطفولة المبكرة يتطلب كشف ومعالجة الطرق التي حاول بها الاستعمار عمداً تعطيل وتدمير العلاقات الأسرية للسكان الأصليين، لا سيما الروابط مع الأطفال الصغار، سواء تاريخيًا أو حتى يومنا هذا. يستعرض المقال الحالي السياق التاريخي لإبعاد الأطفال الهنود نتيجة للاستعمار، وجهود التنشيط الثقافي، وأطر إنهاء الاستعمار التي تسترشد بها استراتيجيات التدخل القائمة على أسس ثقافية والتي تنهض بمجال الصحة النفسية للرضع والطفولة المبكرة. يتم تسليط الضوء على تفكيك مفهوم الاستعمار باعتباره جزءًا لا يتجزأ من استصلاح ممارسات تقديم الرعاية للسكان الأصليين. يتم تسليط الضوء على المبادرات المجتمعية والمبادرات التي يقودها السكان الأصليون مثل قانون رعاية الطفل الهندي، والزيارات المنزلية القبلية، وبرامج الرضاعة الطبيعية باعتبارها مناهج متنوعة قائمة على نقاط القوة، مستنيرة بمجالات الأبحاث في دراسات السكان الأصليين لضمان صحة ورفاهية أجيالنا القادمة.

摘 要

在婴幼儿心理健康领域, 土著人的生活方式、观点和认知方式没有得到充分重视, 尤其是考虑到美国儿童福利系统普遍不公平地将美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民 (AI/AN) 儿童从他们的家庭或社区中带走和分离。要加强婴幼儿心理健康领域的发展, 需要揭示并解决殖民化如何有意图地破坏并摧毁土著家庭关系的方式, 特别是削弱与幼儿之间的亲密联系, 这种破坏不仅是历史性的, 而且延续至今。本文回顾了殖民化背景下印第安儿童被带走的历史、文化复兴的努力, 以及基于去殖民化框架的文化适切性干预策略, 这些策略旨在推进婴幼儿心理健康领域的进步。文章强调, 去殖民化对于恢复土著养育实践至关重要。《印第安儿童福利法案》、部落家访和母乳喂养计划等以社区为基础并由土著人主导的举措被视为具备优势的多样化方法, 并得到土著学术界的重视, 以确保子孙后代的健康与福祉。

Les modes de vie, les perspectives et les façons de connaître des Autochtones dans le domaine de la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance sont sous-représentés, surtout compte tenu de la prévalence inéquitable et injuste de l'exil forcé et de la séparation des enfants Amérindiens / Autochtones et des Autochtones de l'Alaska (AI/AN) de leur famille et de leur communauté par le système d'aide à l'enfance des États-Unis. Le renforcement du domaine de la santé mental des nourrissons et des jeunes enfants exige que l'on dévoile et qu'on s'attaque aux façons dont la colonisation a intentionnellement essayé de perturber et de détruire les relations familiales autochtones, en particulier les liens avec les jeunes enfants, à la fois au travers de l'histoire et perpétuée jusqu’à aujourd'hui. Cet article passe en revue le contexte historique du retrait des enfants indiens à la suite de la colonisation, les efforts de revitalisation culturelle et les cadres de décolonisation qui éclairent des stratégies d'intervention culturellement fondées qui font progresser le domaine de la santé mentale des nourrissons et des jeunes enfants. La décolonisation est soulignée comme étant une composante essentielle du processus de récupération des pratiques autochtones en matière de soins. Les initiatives communautaires ainsi que celles dirigées par des Autochtones, comme la Loi sur le bien-être des enfants des Indiens, les visites à domicile chez les membres des tribus et les programmes d'allaitement maternel sont soulignées comme étant des approches diversifiées axées sur les forces, fondées sur des études et recherches autochtones pour assurer la santé et le bien-être des générations futures.

Indigene Lebensweisen, Perspektiven und Wissensarten sind im Bereich frühkindlicher psychischer Gesundheit unterrepräsentiert, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der ungleichen und ungerechten Prävalenz der Entfernung und Trennung von Kindern indigener Familien und Communities aus Amerika und Alaska durch das Kinderwohlfahrtssystem in den USA. Die Stärkung des Bereichs der psychischen Gesundheit von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern erfordert die Aufdeckung und Auseinandersetzung mit der Art und Weise, wie die Kolonialisierung absichtlich versucht hat, die Beziehungen indigener Familien zu stören und zu zerstören, insbesondere die Bindungen zu Kleinkindern, und zwar sowohl in der Vergangenheit als auch bis in die Gegenwart. Der vorliegende Artikel gibt einen Überblick über den historischen Kontext der Verschleppung amerikanisch-indigener Kinder als Folge der Kolonialisierung, über kulturelle Revitalisierungsbemühungen und über dekoloniale Rahmenbedingungen, die kulturell begründete Interventionsstrategien im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern vorantreiben. Die Dekolonisierung wird als integraler Bestandteil für die Rückgewinnung indigener Praktiken der Kinderbetreuung hervorgehoben. Community-basierte und indigen geleitete Initiativen wie der Indian Child Welfare Act, Hausbesuche in Stämmen und Stillprogramme werden als vielfältige, auf Stärken basierende Ansätze hervorgehoben, die in indigener Lehre begründet sind, um die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden unserer zukünftigen Generationen zu gewährleisten.

特に、米国の児童福祉制度の元、アメリカン・インディアンおよびアラスカ先住民 (AI/AN) の子どもたちに対する家族や地域社会からの連れ去りや引き離しが不公平かつ不当に蔓延していることを考えると、乳幼児精神保健の分野においては、土着の生活様式、視点、了知の方法は十分に反映されていない。乳幼児期精神保健の分野を強化するには、植民地化が土着の家族関係、特に幼い子どもとの絆を、歴史的にも現代にも引き継がれるものとしても、意図的に崩壊させ破壊しようとしてきた方法を明らかにし対処することが必要である。本論文では、植民地化の結果としてのインディアンの子どもの強制連行の歴史的背景、文化再生の取り組み、脱植民地化の枠組みを概観し、乳幼児精神保健の分野の発展に寄与する文化に基づいた介入戦略について説明する。脱植民地化は、土着の子育て慣習の再生に不可欠なものとして強調されている。インディアン児童福祉法、部族による家庭訪問、母乳育児プログラムなど、地域に根ざした先住民主導の取り組みは、次世代の健康とウェルビーイングを確かなものとする土着の学識による多様な強みに基づくアプローチとして強調されている。


Los estilos de vida indígenas, las perspectivas y maneras de saber en el campo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez no están bien representadas, especialmente dada la desigual e injusta prevalencia de sacar y separar a los niños norteamericanos indígenas y nativos de Alaska (AI/AN) de sus familias y comunidades por parte del sistema de bienestar en los Estados Unidos. El fortalecimiento del campo de salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez requiere dejar al descubierto y abordar las maneras como la colonización ha tratado intencionalmente de romper y destruir las relaciones familiares indígenas, especialmente los lazos con niños pequeños, tanto históricamente como perpetuados hasta el presente hoy. El presente artículo revisa el contexto histórico de la separación de los niños indígenas como resultado de la colonización, los esfuerzos de revitalización cultural, así como los marcos de trabajo decoloniales que respaldan las culturalmente apoyadas estrategias de intervención dando así paso al campo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez. A la descolonización se le resalta como algo integral para el reclamo de las prácticas indígenas de prestaciones de cuidados. Las iniciativas con base en la comunidad y liderizadas por indígenas, tales como la Ley sobre el Bienestar del Niño Indígena, las visitas tribales a casa, así como la programación de amamantar se resaltan como acercamientos diversos basados en los puntos fuertes, respaldados por las investigaciones en cuanto a los indígenas con el fin de asegurar la salud y el bienestar de nuestras futuras generaciones.

How Meditation Promotes Well‐Being: Applying a Dual‐System Theory


Mindfulness meditation and Buddhist-informed contemplative approaches promote health and well-being in part by helping meditators view present-moment reality from a less immersed perspective. Contemplative practices build meta-awareness and help practitioners psychologically distance from mental activity, thereby reducing negative emotions and craving while promoting mental flexibility. Metcalfe and Mischel's dual-system model contrasts cool analytic processes with more emotional hot system processes. Contemplative practices facilitate adaptive coping in part by reducing hot and promoting cool system activation. Buddhist philosophies emphasizing the importance of present-moment awareness, the futility of striving for self-focused goals (worldly concerns), and the self-perpetuating nature of negative emotions are used to explain how contemplative practices deter hot system activation and promote cool system activation over time.

A systematic review and meta‐analysis of parental mentalization in fathers and mothers


Despite the growing literature on parental mentalization (including measures such as mind-mindedness, parental reflective functioning, and parental insightfulness), considerably less research on parental mentalization has been conducted with fathers than with mothers, leaving important gaps in our understanding of gender differences in the construct. Specifically, it is not clear whether mothers and fathers exhibit similar levels of parental mentalization, and whether their scores are correlated. This knowledge can help inform the literature on similarities and differences between maternal and paternal behaviors, as well as the literature on their correlates. This study sought to answer these questions using a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating parental mentalization capacities in partnered mothers and fathers. Across 36 studies (32 unique samples and 87 effect sizes, N = 3,996 fathers and 4,414 mothers), mainly from Europe and North America, the results show that fathers presented lower scores than mothers (d = −.17, p < .001). There was also a significant correlation in scores between mothers and fathers of the same family (r = .15, p < .001). There were no significant moderators. Findings from this study emphasize the need for research on parental mentalization to use a family system approach.


على الرغم من الأدبيات المتنامية حول الإدراك الذهني لدى الوالدين (بما في ذلك مقاييس مثل الوعي الذهني للوالدين والأداء التأملي للوالدين وبصيرة الوالدين)، إلا أن الأبحاث التي أجريت على الإدراك الذهني الوالدين كانت أقل بكثير من تلك التي أجريت على الآباء مقارنة بالأمهات، مما ترك ثغرات مهمة في فهمنا للفروق بين الجنسين في هذا السياق. على وجه التحديد، ليس من الواضح ما إذا كانت الأمهات والآباء يظهرون مستويات متشابهة من الإدراك الذهني، وما إذا كانت درجاتهم مترابطة. يمكن أن تساعد هذه المعرفة في إثراء الأدبيات المتعلقة بأوجه التشابه والاختلاف، وكذلك الارتباطات، بين سلوكيات الأمهات والآباء. سعت هذه الدراسة إلى الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة باستخدام مراجعة منهجية وتحليل تلوي للدراسات التي تقيّم قدرات الوالدين الذهنية لدى الأمهات والآباء الشركاء. من خلال 36 دراسة (32 عينة فريدة و87 عينة ذات حجم تأثير، عدد 3,996 أبًا و4,414 أمًا)، معظمها من أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية، أظهرت النتائج أن الآباء أظهروا درجات أقل من الأمهات (د = −.17، p < .001). كان هناك أيضًا ارتباط كبير في الدرجات بين الأمهات والآباء من نفس العائلة. ولم يكن هناك متغيرات وسيطة ذات أهمية. تؤكد النتائج المستخلصة من هذه الدراسة على الحاجة إلى إجراء أبحاث حول الإدراك الذهني الوالدي لاستخدام نهج نظام الأسرة.

摘 要

关于父母心智化的文献 (包括心智敏感性、父母反思功能和父母洞察力等指标) 虽然在不断增加, 但针对父亲的研究显著少于针对母亲的研究, 这导致我们对该概念在性别差异方面的理解存在重要空白。具体而言, 目前尚不清楚母亲和父亲在父母心智化水平上是否表现出相似性, 以及他们的得分是否存在相关性。填补这些知识空白有助于丰富关于母亲与父亲行为相似性、差异性及其关联性的文献。本研究通过对评估已婚母亲和父亲心智化能力的研究进行系统综述和荟萃分析, 以回答上述问题。分析涵盖了来自欧洲和北美的36项研究 (32个独立样本和87个效应量, 总样本量为3996名父亲和4414名母亲) 。结果显示, 父亲的得分低于母亲 (d = −.17, p < .001) 。此外, 同一家庭中母亲与父亲的得分存在显著相关性 (r = .15, p < .001) 。研究未发现显著的调节变量。研究结果强调了在父母心智化研究中采用家庭系统方法的必要性。


Malgré les recherches croissantes sur la mentalisation parentale (y compris des mesures telles que l'orientation mentale et la fonction réflexive parentale), moins d'études ont été dédiées à la mentalisation parentale chez les pères que chez les mères, laissant d'importantes lacunes dans notre compréhension des différences de genre pour ce construit. Plus particulièrement, il n'est pas clair si les mères et les pères présentent des niveaux similaires de mentalisation parentale, et si leurs scores sont corrélés. Ces connaissances peuvent aider à éclairer les recherches sur les similitudes et les différences entre les genres, ainsi que sur les liens entre les comportements maternels et paternels. Cette étude a cherché à répondre à ces questions en utilisant une revue systématique et une méta-analyse d’études évaluant les capacités de mentalisation parentale chez les mères et les pères partenaires. Dans 36 études (32 échantillons uniques et 87 tailles d'effet, N = 3996 pères et 4414 mères), principalement réalisées en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, les résultats montrent que les pères ont présenté des scores inférieurs aux mères (d = −0.17, p < .001). Les résultats ont également démontré une corrélation importante entre les scores des mères et des pères (r = .15, p < .001). Aucun modérateur n'était significatif. Les résultats de cette étude soulignent la nécessité d'effectuer des recherches sur la mentalisation parentale en utilisant une approche fondée sur la théorie des systèmes familiaux.


Trotz der wachsenden Forschungsliteratur zum Thema elterlicher Mentalisierung (einschließlich Maßen wie Mind-Mindedness, elterliche Reflexionsfähigkeit und elterliche Einsichtsfähigkeit) wurde die elterliche Mentalisierung bei Vätern deutlich weniger erforscht als bei Müttern, sodass unser Verständnis der geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede bei diesem Konstrukt erhebliche Lücken aufweist. Insbesondere ist nicht klar, ob Mütter und Väter ein ähnliches Maß an elterlicher Mentalisierung aufweisen und ob ihre Werte miteinander korrelieren. Dieses Wissen kann dazu beitragen, die Literatur zu Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede sowie Zusammenhänge zwischen mütterlichen und väterlichen Verhaltensweisen zu ergänzen. In dieser Studie wurden diese Fragen anhand eines systematischen Reviews und einer Metaanalyse von Studien zur Bewertung der elterlichen Mentalisierungsfähigkeit bei Müttern und Vätern in Partner:innenschaften beantwortet. Die Ergebnisse von 36 Studien (32 separate Stichproben und 87 Effektstärken, N = 3996 Väter und 4414 Mütter), hauptsächlich aus Europa und Nordamerika, zeigen, dass Väter niedrigere Werte aufweisen als Mütter (d = −.17, p < .001). Es ergab sich auch eine signifikante Korrelation der Werte zwischen Müttern und Vätern der gleichen Familie (r = .15, p < .001). Es ergaben sich keine signifikanten Moderatoren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, bei der Erforschung der elterlichen Mentalisierung einen das Familiensystem fokussierenden Ansatz zu verwenden.


親のメンタライゼーションに関する文献 (マインドマインデッドネスmind-mindedness、親の省察機能、親の洞察力などの尺度を含む) は増加しているにもかかわらず、父親を対象とした親のメンタライゼーションに関する研究は母親を対象とした研究よりもかなり少なく、この構成要素における性差の理解には重要なギャップが残されている。具体的には、母親と父親が同程度の親のメンタライゼーションを示すかどうか、またそのスコアに相関があるかどうかは明らかになっていない。この知識は、母親と父親の行動の類似点と相違点、また関連性についての文献に情報を提供するのに役立つ。本研究は、パートナーとなった母親と父親における親のメンタライゼーション能力を評価した研究の系統的レビューとメタ分析を用いて、これらの疑問に答えようとしたものである。主にヨーロッパと北米で行われた36の研究 (ユニークサンプル数32、効果量87、N = 父親3,996人、母親4,414人) において、父親が母親よりも低いスコアを示した (d = −.17、p < .001) 。また、同じ家族の母親と父親の間には、スコアに有意な相関が見られた (r = .15、p < .001) 。有意な調整因子はなかった。本研究から得られた知見は、家族システムアプローチを用いた親のメンタライゼーションに関する研究の必要性を強調している。


A pesar del creciente cuerpo de literatura informativa acerca de la mentalización del progenitor (incluyendo medidas tales como la disposición mental, el funcionamiento con reflexión del progenitor y la perspicacia del progenitor), considerablemente se ha llevado a cabo menos investigación en cuanto a la mentalización del progenitor con papás que con mamás, dejando vacíos importantes en nuestra comprensión de las diferencias de género dentro de la estructura. Específicamente, no está claro si las mamás y papás muestran niveles similares de mentalización del progenitor, y si sus puntajes se correlacionan. Este conocimiento puede contribuir a la literatura informativa sobre similitudes y diferencias, así como también sobre asociaciones, entre los comportamientos maternos y paternos. Este estudio se propuso responder a estas preguntas usando una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis de estudios que evaluaban las capacidades de mentalización del progenitor en mamás y papás que tenían pareja. A través de 36 estudios (32 muestras únicas y 87 dimensiones de efectos, N = 3996 papás y 4414 mamás), principalmente de Europa y Norteamérica, los resultados muestran que los papás presentaron más bajos puntajes que las mamás (d = −.17, p < .001). También se dio una significativa correlación en los puntajes entre mamás y papás de la misma familia (r = .15, p < .001). No se notaron moderadores significativos. Los resultados de este estudio enfatizan la necesidad de que la investigación sobre la mentalización del progenitor utilice un acercamiento de sistemas de familia.

Recognizing People's Agency Amidst Disadvantage: How to Study Inequality Using a Holistic Approach That is Accurate and Non‐Stigmatizing


In understanding the psychology of social inequalities, research has often portrayed groups of individuals in disadvantaged positions as lacking in agency, skills, or motivation–portrayals that can stigmatize these groups. Countering this stigma, recent developments have been made in so-called “strength-based” research to better understand and acknowledge the agency, skills, and motivation people in disadvantaged positions often show. Yet, this research is not focused on understanding how inequalities emerge. The present research explores ways to study inequalities without risking to stigmatize people. For example, how can we address disparities in certain motivational factors (e.g., belonging, or confidence) without stigmatizing groups as lacking motivation? And how can we study the way people experience disadvantage without reducing them to the role of weak, passive victims? To answer such questions, we integrate traditional social-inequality research with recent advances in strength-based research in what we call a “holistic approach” to studying inequality. At the core of this approach is a simultaneous recognition of context-level disadvantage (a focus of traditional inequality research) and individual-level agency (a focus of strength-based research). This approach allows for a broader–a holistic–perspective on existing inequality-research, and points to underexplored research questions within social psychology (e.g., how do people actively respond to disadvantage?). After outlining this approach, we distill it into 10 practical guidelines and illustrate how to implement guidelines in an existing research agenda. In doing so, we hope to support authors, reviewers, editors, and other stakeholders aiming for an accurate and non-stigmatizing study of inequalities.

Training Future Teachers to Conduct Trial‐Based Functional Analyses Using Virtual Video Modeling and Video Feedback


Students commonly engage in problem behaviors, yet teachers report handling difficult behavior as their biggest challenge. Over the last few decades, some research has used functional analyses (FAs) to determine the function of student's problem behavior and then developed function-based interventions based on the FA findings. Despite the success of the studies, research has indicated that traditional FA methodologies are not always feasible for teachers and schools. Therefore, a need exists to develop better and more efficient ways to train teachers to conduct FAs. Thus, the study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using virtual video models to train future teachers to conduct trial-based functional analyses (TBFAs) and assess if the skill could generalize into an in-person setting. A concurrent multiple baseline design across participants was used, and results indicated that the videos effectively taught participants to conduct a TBFA. The virtual training generalized well into an in-person setting, with only one participant needing additional feedback. Additionally, results indicate that the virtual intervention was socially valid for all participants.

Systematic Review and Meta‐Analyses Reveal no Gender Difference in Neonatal Social Perception


Women score higher than men on measures of social cognition such as empathy and reading non-verbal cues. How early does this gender difference emerge? Systematic review and meta-analyses were used to assess gender difference in social perception within 1 month of birth. A total of 31 studies (40 experiments) reported on gender effects in 1936 neonates (50% girls) between 1968 and 2021. No significant difference (Hedges’ g = 0.076, p = 0.321) was found across 20 experiments measuring visual fixation on human faces. Nine experiments on neonatal imitative crying also revealed no gender difference (g = 0.157, p = 0.118). Seven studies using the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale found no gender difference in total orientation (g = 0.161, p = 0.154), but girls oriented more to both animate (g = 0.279, p = 0.011) and inanimate (g = 0.242, p = 0.003) stimuli in the studies that analyzed these separately. Existing evidence supports a possible maturational difference but not a specific social advantage for girls at birth. While more research and better reporting are needed, the present findings challenge the claim that girls are innately more socially perceptive than boys.

Review: Animal‐assisted intervention for children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder – a systematic review and meta‐analysis


Animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) have emerged as a promising nonpharmacological intervention option for children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, recent systematic reviews have been primarily narrative. Additionally, the pooled effectiveness of AAIs was absent from these systematic reviews.


We conducted a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis, searching multiple databases, including Web of Science, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus, PsycINFO, EMBASE and Cochrane, from inception of the databases to March 2024. We retrieved 17 randomised controlled trials or quasi-experimental studies and used Review Manager 5.4.1 software to perform a meta-analysis of the effects of AAIs in treating children with ADHD. We conducted a set of random-effects meta-analyses to estimate standardised mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) using subgroup data by different outcome domains extracted from eight randomised controlled trials, in relation to changes in behavioural, mental and physical functioning in a total of 307 children with ADHD before and after the intervention.


In comparison with non-AAI groups, AAIs significantly improved attention problems in children with ADHD (SMD = −0.42, 95% CI = −0.71 to −0.13), self-esteem (0.46, 0.14 to 0.78), learning and cognition problems (−0.69, −0.98 to −0.39) and motor proficiency (0.77, 0.11 to 1.42). The pooled effect of AAIs on the severity of ADHD symptoms in the experimental group was not significantly different from the effect of conventional treatments in the control group (0.10, −0.31 to 0.52). Similarly, AAIs had no significant positive effects on social interaction (−0.22, −0.51 to 0.06), social skills (−0.32, −0.87 to 0.24), problematic behaviours (−0.10, −0.54 to 0.35) or emotional problems, including depression and anxiety (−0.13, −0.51 to 0.24).


As an ADHD management strategy complementary to gold-standard approaches, such as medication or multimodal interventions, AAIs did not appear to be more effective in improving the majority of core ADHD outcomes in children. Future studies should incorporate rigorous study designs with large sample sizes and a standard protocol to achieve more valid and reliable conclusion.

Where Do We Go From Here? The Future of Gender and Negotiation Research


This review proposes future directions for gender and negotiation research in light of two important labor market trends: workforces that are increasingly diverse and career advancement that is more often required to be self-directed. I argue that these two trends have implications for research, both in terms of places where the field seems to be moving and new areas that could be ripe for exploration. I begin by underscoring the importance of context when making claims about gender and negotiation. Then, using two broad banners, diversity and careers, I review discussions that are arising from novel intersections as well as the ways that the changing workplace is shaping future research directions.

Visual Exploration and the Primate Hippocampal Formation


During the 1990s and early 2000s, research in humans and in the nonhuman primate model of human amnesia revealed that tasks involving free viewing of images provided an exceptionally sensitive measure of recognition memory. Performance on these tasks was sensitive to damage restricted to the hippocampus as well as to damage that included medial temporal lobe cortices. Early work in my laboratory used free-viewing tasks to assess the neurophysiological correlates of recognition memory, and the use of naturalistic visual exploration opened rich avenues to assess other aspects of the impact of eye movements on neural activity in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Here, I summarize two main lines of this work and some of the stories of the trainees who made essential contributions to these discoveries.
