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Effectiveness and treatment moderators of parenting interventions in Finnish perinatal primary care
Perinatal parenting interventions may be important for enhancing parenting quality, but previous research has mostly focused on parental sensitivity. Other important outcomes, such as parental self-efficacy (PSE), have rarely been studied. Research is also contradictory on whether parenting interventions can also enhance maternal mental health and how treatment-related moderators affect treatment outcome. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of three individually tailored perinatal parenting interventions (therapeutic parent-infant work, maternity and child health clinic psychologists, and practical help) for parenting and mental health in naturalistic community settings in Finnish primary care. We further examined whether mental health symptoms moderated parenting efficacy and how treatment-related factors moderated parenting and mental health outcomes. The sample comprised 263 Finnish-speaking mothers: 177 in different interventions and 86 non-clinical controls from the same area. Parenting was examined with Maternal Self-Efficacy Scale and Emotional Availability (EA) self-report, depression with Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and anxiety with Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale at the beginning of treatment, post-treatment, and at the six-month follow-up. Therapeutic work was the most broadly effective, with long-term effects on both parenting and mental health outcomes, regardless of maternal symptom level. Spouse participation, postnatal onset, and higher treatment dosage increased intervention effectiveness.
قد تكون تدخلات الرعاية الوالدية في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة مهمة لتعزيز جودة التربية، لكن الأبحاث السابقة ركزت في الغالب على حساسية الوالدين. أما النتائج المهمة الأخرى، مثل الكفاية الذاتية للوالدين، فلم يتم دراستها بشكل كبير. كما أن الأبحاث السابقة قدمت نتائج متضاربة حول ما إذا كانت التدخلات التربوية يمكن أن تعزز أيضاً الصحة النفسية للأمهات وكيف تؤثر العوامل المرتبطة بالعلاج على نتائج العلاج. في هذه الدراسة، قمنا بفحص فعالية ثلاثة تدخلات تربوية مصممة بشكل فردي في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة (العمل العلاجي بين الوالدين والرضيع، والأخصائيين النفسيين في عيادة الأمومة وصحة الطفل، والدعم العملي) في مجال التربية والصحة النفسية في بيئات المجتمع الطبيعي في الرعاية الأولية الفنلندية. قمنا كذلك بفحص ما إذا كانت أعراض الصحة النفسية قد خففت من فعالية الرعاية الوالدية وكيف خففت العوامل المتعلقة بالعلاج من نتائج الأبوة والأمومة والصحة النفسية. شملت العينة 263 من الأمهات الناطقات بالفنلندية: 177 في تدخلات مختلفة و86 في مجموعات ضابطة غير اكلينيكية من نفس المنطقة. تم قياس التربية الوالدية باستخدام مقياس الكفاية الذاتية للأمهات والتقرير الذاتي للتوفر العاطفي، ودراسة الاكتئاب باستخدام مقياس إدنبرة للاكتئاب بعد الولادة وقياس القلق باستخدام مقياس شدة القلق والعجز العام في بداية العلاج وبعد العلاج وعند المتابعة لمدة ستة أشهر. كان العمل العلاجي هو الأكثر فعالية على نطاق واسع، مع تأثيرات طويلة الأجل على كل من نتائج الأبوة والأمومة والصحة النفسية، بغض النظر عن مستوى أعراض الأم. أدت مشاركة الزوج، وبداية ما بعد الولادة، وارتفاع جرعة العلاج إلى زيادة فعالية التدخل.
摘 要
围产期育儿干预可能对提升育儿质量具有重要作用, 但以往研究大多集中在父母的敏感性上。其他重要结果, 例如父母的自我效能感, 却鲜有涉及。此外, 关于育儿干预是否能够改善母亲心理健康, 以及治疗相关的调节因素如何影响治疗结果, 现有研究结论存在矛盾。本研究探讨了三种个性化的围产期育儿干预措施 (治疗性亲子工作、妇幼保健诊所心理服务和实际帮助) 在芬兰初级保健自然社区环境中对育儿和心理健康的有效性。我们还研究了心理健康症状是否对育儿效能起调节作用, 以及治疗相关因素如何调节育儿和心理健康结果。研究样本包括263名讲芬兰语的母亲:177名参与不同干预措施的母亲, 以及来自同一地区的86名非临床对照组母亲。在治疗开始时、治疗结束后及六个月的随访中, 使用“母亲自我效能量表”和“情感回馈度自陈报告”评估育儿状况, 使用“爱丁堡产后抑郁量表”评估抑郁状况, 使用“总体焦虑严重性和损害量表”评估焦虑状况。研究发现, 无论母亲的症状水平如何, 治疗性亲子工作在育儿和心理健康结果方面最具广泛的有效性, 且具有长期效果。配偶参与、产后发病以及更高的治疗量均能提升干预效果。
Perinatale Elterninterventionen könnten für die Verbesserung der elterlichen Betreuungsqualität wichtig sein, aber die bisherige Forschung hat sich hauptsächlich auf die elterliche Sensibilität konzentriert. Andere wichtige Ergebnisse, wie die elterliche Selbstwirksamkeit, wurden nur selten untersucht. Außerdem gibt es widersprüchliche Forschungsergebnisse darüber, ob Elterninterventionen auch die psychische Gesundheit der Mütter verbessern können und wie behandlungsbezogene Moderatoren die Behandlungsergebnisse beeinflussen. In dieser Studie untersuchten wir die Wirksamkeit von drei individuell zugeschnittenen perinatalen Elterninterventionen (therapeutische Eltern-Säuglings-Arbeit, Psychologen der Geburts- und Kinderklinik, praktische Hilfe) in Bezug auf Elternschaft und psychische Gesundheit in einem naturalistischen Gemeinschaftssetting in der finnischen Primärversorgung. Wir untersuchten außerdem, ob psychische Gesundheitssymptome die Wirksamkeit der elterlichen Betreuung beeinflussten und wie behandlungsbezogene Faktoren die Ergebnisse der Elternarbeit und der psychischen Gesundheit beeinflussten. Die Stichprobe umfasste 263 finnischsprachige Mütter: 177, die an verschiedenen Interventionen teilnahmen, und 86 nicht-klinische Kontrollpersonen aus demselben Gebiet. Die elterliche Betreuung wurde mit der Maternal Self-Efficacy Scale und dem Emotional Availability (EA) Self-Report untersucht, die Depression mit der Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale und die Angst mit der Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale zu Beginn der Behandlung, nach der Behandlung und bei der sechsmonatigen Nachuntersuchung. Die therapeutische Arbeit war am wirksamsten, mit langfristigen Effekten sowohl auf die elterliche als auch auf die psychische Gesundheit, unabhängig vom Grad der mütterlichen Symptome. Die Teilnahme der Ehepartner:innen, Beginn der Behandlung nach der Geburt und eine höhere Behandlungsdosis erhöhten die Wirksamkeit der Intervention.
周産期の子育て支援介入は、子育ての質を高める上で重要である可能性があるが、これまでの研究では主に親の感受性に焦点が当てられてきた。親としての自己効力感など、その他の重要な成果については、ほとんど研究されていない。また、子育て支援介入が母親のメンタルヘルスを向上させることができるかどうか、また治療に関連する緩衝要因が治療結果にどのような影響を与えるかについても、研究結果は一致していない。本研究では、フィンランドのプライマリーケアにおける自然主義的な地域社会の設定で、個別に調整された3つの周産期の子育て支援 (治療的ペアレント・インファント・ワーク、産婦人科クリニックの心理士、実用的な支援) が子育てとメンタルヘルスに与える効果を検証した。さらに、メンタルヘルスの症状が子育ての効果を緩和するかどうか、また、治療関連の要因が子育てとメンタルヘルスの結果をどのように緩和するかを検証した。サンプルはフィンランド語を話す母親263名で構成され、177名がさまざまな介入を受け、同じ地域の86名が臨床外の対照群となりました。 育児については「母親の自己効力感尺度」と「感情的対応能力自己報告書」で、うつ症状については「エジンバラ産後うつ病尺度」で、不安については「全般性不安重症度・機能障害尺度」で、それぞれ治療開始時、治療後、6か月後のフォローアップ時に調査しました。治療的介入は最も広範囲に効果があり、母親の症状レベルに関係なく、子育てと精神衛生上の結果の両方に長期的な効果をもたらした。配偶者の参加、産後の発症、治療用量の増加は介入の効果を高めた。
Las intervenciones de crianza perinatales pudieran ser importantes para mejorar la calidad de la crianza, pero la investigación previa se ha enfocado principalmente en la sensibilidad del progenitor. Otros resultados importantes, tales como la auto eficacia del progenitor, han sido raramente estudiados. La investigación también es contradictoria sobre si las intervenciones de crianza pueden también mejorar la salud mental materna y cómo los moderadores relacionados con el tratamiento afectan el resultado del tratamiento. En este estudio, examinamos la eficacia de tres intervenciones de crianza perinatales individualmente diseñadas (trabajo terapéutico progenitor-infante, sicólogos clínicos de salud materna e infantil, así como ayuda práctica) para la crianza y la salud mental en ambientes comunitarios naturalistas en el sistema de atención primaria finlandés. Examinamos además si los síntomas de salud mental moderaban la eficacia de la crianza y cómo los factores relacionados con el tratamiento moderaban los resultados de crianza y de salud mental. El grupo muestra estuvo compuesto de 263 madres de habla finlandesa, de la misma área: 177 en intervenciones diferentes y 86 que no estaban bajo control clínico. Se examinó la crianza con la Escala de Auto Eficacia Materna y el auto reporte de la Disponibilidad Emocional; la depresión, con la Escala de Depresión Postnatal de Edimburgo; y la ansiedad, con la Escala de Severidad e Impedimento de la Ansiedad en General, al principio del tratamiento, con posterioridad al tratamiento y durante el seguimiento a los seis meses. El trabajo terapéutico fue el más eficaz al nivel amplio, con efectos de largo plazo tanto sobre los resultados de crianza como de salud mental, sin tomar en cuenta el nivel de síntomas maternos. La participación del cónyuge, el inicio del período postnatal, así como la más alta dosis de tratamiento, incrementaron la eficacia de la intervención.
Perinatal discrimination and maternal depressive symptoms associated with infant development in African American families
Research has documented elevated experiences of racial discrimination among African American families, and its adverse impacts on their psychological well-being. However, most studies have investigated the experiences of and consequences for older children and adults. The goal of the current study was to examine the relations among mothers’ perception of discrimination during pregnancy, pre- and post-natal depressive symptoms, and infant development in African American families from low-income backgrounds. Using a longitudinal design with questionnaires and direct assessments, this study included 118 African American mothers (and infants) who participated in three data collection sessions: the third trimester of pregnancy (home); 4 weeks postpartum (phone); and when infants were 4–6 months old (home). Analyses revealed that mothers’ perceived prenatal discrimination was strongly associated with depressive symptomatology and that maternal depression was related to infant cognitive and fine motor skills. Perceived prenatal discrimination was significantly related to infant cognitive development. For mothers with higher levels of perceived discrimination, a higher level of depressive symptomatology was related to receptive language. These findings are considered in the context of the extant literature on perinatal stress, maternal functioning, and young infant outcomes. Implications for early childhood and infant mental health practice are discussed.
وثقت الأبحاث تزايد تجارب التمييز العنصري بين الأسر الأمريكية من أصل أفريقي، وآثاره السلبية على رفاههم النفسي. ومع ذلك، فقد بحثت معظم الدراسات في تجارب الأطفال الأكبر سناً والبالغين وعواقبها على الأطفال الأكبر سناً والبالغين. كان الهدف من الدراسة الحالية هو دراسة العلاقات بين إدراك الأمهات للتمييز أثناء الحمل، وأعراض الاكتئاب قبل الولادة وبعدها، ونمو الرضع في الأسر الأمريكية من أصل أفريقي من خلفيات منخفضة الدخل. باستخدام تصميم طولي في ضوء الاستبيانات والتقييمات المباشرة، شملت هذه الدراسة 118 من الأمهات الأمريكيات من أصل أفريقي (والرضع) اللاتي شاركن في ثلاث جلسات لجمع البيانات: الثلث الثالث من الحمل (في المنزل)؛ 4 أسابيع بعد الولادة (عبر الهاتف)؛ وعندما كان عمر الرضع 4–6 أشهر (في المنزل). كشفت التحليلات أن التمييز المتصور لدى الأمهات قبل الولادة كان مرتبطًا بقوة بأعراض الاكتئاب وأن اكتئاب الأمهات كان مرتبطًا بالمهارات المعرفية والحركية الدقيقة للرضع. كان التمييز المتصور قبل الولادة مرتبطًا بشكل كبير بالنمو المعرفي للرضيع. بالنسبة للأمهات اللاتي لديهن مستويات أعلى من التمييز المتصور، كان المستوى الأعلى من أعراض الاكتئاب مرتبطًا باللغة الاستقبالية. ننظر في هذه النتائج في سياق الأدبيات الموجودة حول الإجهاد في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وأداء الأمهات ونتائج الرضع الصغار. تمت مناقشة تطبيقات النتائج على ممارسة الصحة النفسية في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة والصحة النفسية للرضع.
摘 要
研究表明, 非裔美国家庭经历种族歧视的比例较高, 这对他们的心理健康有不利影响。然而, 大多数研究只探讨了年龄较大的儿童和成人的经历及其后果。本研究旨在探讨低收入背景的非裔美国家庭中, 母亲在怀孕期间感知到的歧视、产前和产后的抑郁症状, 以及婴儿发育之间的关系。本研究采用纵向设计, 通过问卷和直接评估的方法, 在三个时间点对118名非裔美国母亲及其婴儿进行了数据收集:怀孕第三孕期 (在家) 、产后4周 (电话) 以及婴儿4-6个月大时 (在家) 。分析结果表明, 母亲感知到的产前歧视与抑郁症状显著相关, 而母亲的抑郁症状与婴儿的认知和精细运动技能相关。母亲感知到的产前歧视与婴儿的认知发育显著相关。对于感知歧视水平较高的母亲而言, 较高水平的抑郁症状与婴儿的接受性语言能力相关。这些发现结合现有关于围产期压力、母亲功能以及婴幼儿发育结果的文献进行了讨论, 并探讨了其对婴幼儿心理健康实践的启示。
Les recherches ont documenté un grand nombre d'expériences de discrimination raciale vécues par des familles afro-américaines, et leurs impacts négatifs sur leur bien-être psychologique. Cependant, jusqu'ici la plupart des études se sont penchées sur les liens entre les expériences et les conséquences pour les enfants plus âgés et les adultes. Cette étude s'est donnée pour but d'examiner les liens entre la perception des mères de la discrimination à laquelle elles ont fait face durant la grossesse, les symptômes dépressifs prénatals et postnatals et le développement du nourrisson dans les familles afro-américaines de milieu à faible revenu. Au moyen d'une conception longitudinale avec des questionnaires et des évaluations directes, cette étude a inclus 118 mères (et nourrissons) afro-américaines qui ont participé à trois séances de recueil de données: lors du troisième trimestre de la grossesse (à domicile); à 4 semaines après l'accouchement (par téléphone); et lorsque les bébés avaient de 4–6 mois (à domicile). Les analyses ont révélé que la discrimination prénatale perçue par les mères était fortement liée à une symptomatologie dépressive et que la dépression maternelle était liée aux capacités cognitives et motrices du nourrisson. La discrimination prénatale perçue était significativement liée au développement cognitif du nourrisson. Pour les mères ayant des niveaux plus élevés de discrimination perçue, un niveau plus élevé de symptomatologie dépressive était lié au langage réceptif. Ces résultats sont examinés dans le contexte des recherches existantes sur le stress périnatal, le fonctionnement maternel et les résultats chez les jeunes nourrissons. Les implications pour la petite enfance et la pratique de santé mentale chez le nourrisson sont discutées.
Die Forschung hat gezeigt, dass afroamerikanische Familien vermehrt rassistisch diskriminiert werden und sich dies negativ auf ihr psychisches Wohlbefinden auswirkt. Die meisten Studien haben jedoch die Erfahrungen und Folgen für ältere Kinder und Erwachsene untersucht. Ziel der aktuellen Studie war es, die Zusammenhänge der von Müttern wahrgenommenen Diskriminierung während der Schwangerschaft sowie prä- und postnatalen depressiven Symptomen mit der Kindesentwicklung in afroamerikanischen Familien mit niedrigem Einkommen zu untersuchen. Unter Verwendung eines Längsschnittdesigns mit Fragebögen und direkten Beobachtungen umfasste diese Studie 118 afroamerikanische Mütter (und Säuglinge), die an drei Datenerhebungen teilnahmen: im dritten Trimester der Schwangerschaft (zu Hause), vier Wochen nach der Geburt (telefonisch) und als die Säuglinge 4–6 Monate alt waren (zu Hause). Die Analysen ergaben, dass die von den Müttern wahrgenommene pränatale Diskriminierung stark mit depressiver Symptomatik verbunden war und dass die mütterliche Depression mit den kognitiven und feinmotorischen Fähigkeiten des Kindes zusammenhing. Die wahrgenommene pränatale Diskriminierung war signifikant mit der kognitiven Entwicklung des Kindes verbunden. Bei Müttern mit einem höheren Maß an wahrgenommener Diskriminierung stand ein höheres Maß an depressiver Symptomatik in Zusammenhang mit der rezeptiven Sprache. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Kontext mit der vorhandenen Literatur über perinatalen Stress, mütterliches Funktionsniveau und die kindliche Entwicklung betrachtet. Es werden Implikationen für die Praxis der frühkindlichen und kindlichen psychischen Gesundheit diskutiert.
研究では、アフリカ系アメリカ人家族における人種差別体験の増加と、その心理的ウェルビーイングへの悪影響が報告されている。しかし、ほとんどの研究は、年長児や成人の経験とその結果についての調査をしてきた。本研究の目的は、低所得者層のアフリカ系アメリカ人家族において、妊娠中の母親の被差別認識、出産前と後の抑うつ症状、そして乳幼児の発達との関係を検討することであった。質問票と直接評価を用いた縦断的デザインを用いて、妊娠第3期 (自宅) 、産後4週間 (電話) 、乳児が生後4~6ヵ月時 (自宅) の3回のデータ収集に参加した118人のアフリカ系アメリカ人の母親 (と乳児) を対象に行った。分析の結果、母親が認識した出産前差別は抑うつ症状と強く関連しており、母親の抑うつは乳児の認知能力および微細運動能力と関連していた。認識された出産前差別は、乳児の認知発達と有意に関連していた。差別をより強く感じている母親の場合、抑うつ症状の程度は受容的言語と関連していた。これらの結果は、周産期ストレス、母性機能、幼い乳児の予後に関する既存の文献との関連で考察される。早期の幼児および乳児期のメンタルヘルス実践への影響が議論される。
La investigación ha documentado las elevadas experiencias de discriminación racial entre familias afroamericanas y los adversos impactos sobre su bienestar sicológico. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los estudios han investigado las experiencias de y consecuencias para niños mayores y adultos. El propósito del presente estudio fue examinar la relación entre la percepción que las madres tenían de la discriminación durante el embarazo, los síntomas de depresión prenatales y postnatales, así como el desarrollo del infante en familias afroamericanas en condiciones de bajas entradas económicas. Usando un diseño longitudinal con cuestionarios y evaluaciones directas, este estudio incluyó 118 mamás afroamericanas (e infantes) que participaron en tres sesiones para obtener información: el tercer trimestre del embarazo (en casa); 4 semanas después del parto (por teléfono); y cuando los infantes tenían 4–6 meses de nacidos (en casa). Los análisis revelaron que la percepción de las madres de discriminación prenatal estaba fuertemente asociada con la sintomatología de depresión y que la depresión materna estaba relacionada con las habilidades cognitivas y las habilidades motoras finas del infante. La percibida discriminación prenatal estuvo significativamente relacionada con el desarrollo cognitivo del infante. Para las mamás con más altos niveles de discriminación percibida, un más alto nivel de sintomatología de depresión se relacionó con el lenguaje receptivo. Estos resultados se consideran dentro del contexto de la literatura informativa existente acerca del estrés perinatal, el funcionamiento materno, así como los resultados del pequeño infante. Se discuten las implicaciones para las prácticas de salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez.
Creating a statewide model of infant and early childhood mental health consultation: A Colorado case study
The use of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) has grown dramatically over the past decade to support the skills and reflective capacity of adults who care for infants and young children birth to kindergarten entry. Research to date has shown promise for IECMHC to support children's social and emotional development. However, there is a gap in the published research that articulates how fidelity to a specific statewide IECMHC model impacts desired outcomes for adult caregivers or the infants and children they serve. This article, which articulates the process that Colorado used to develop its own IECMHC model, is the first step in filling this gap in the research. The step-by-step approach to model development can be used by other states undertaking similar efforts to create models that are geared toward a variety of settings, such as early education, home visitation, or health care. Colorado is beginning statewide implementation of the model that resulted from this process and will soon start evaluating the fidelity of that implementation. This process creates the groundwork for ultimately tying implementation of an articulated IECMHC model to outcomes for adults and the infants and children they care for.
لقد نما استخدام استشارات الصحة النفسية للرضع والطفولة المبكرة(IECMHC) بشكل كبير خلال العقد الماضي لدعم المهارات والقدرة على التفكير لدى البالغين الذين يرعون الرضع والأطفال الصغار منذ الولادة وحتى دخولهم رياض الأطفال. وقد أظهرت الأبحاث التي أجريت حتى الآن أن الاستشارة في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة واعدة في دعم النمو الاجتماعي والعاطفي للأطفال. ومع ذلك، هناك فجوة في البحوث المنشورة التي توضح كيفية تأثير الإخلاص ودقة التنفيذ لنموذج محدد على مستوى الولاية في مجال الرعاية المتكاملة للأطفال الرضع والأطفال الصغار على النتائج المرجوة لمقدمي الرعاية البالغين أو الرضع والأطفال الذين يخدمونهم. هذه المقالة، التي توضح العملية التي استخدمتها كولورادو لتطوير نموذجها الخاص بها ، هي الخطوة الأولى في سد هذه الفجوة في البحث. يمكن استخدام النهج التدريجي لتطوير النموذج من قبل الولايات الأخرى التي تبذل جهودًا مماثلة لإنشاء نماذج موجهة نحو مجموعة متنوعة من البيئات، مثل التعليم المبكر أو الزيارات المنزلية أو الرعاية الصحية. بدأت ولاية كولورادو في تنفيذ النموذج الذي نتج عن هذه العملية على مستوى الولاية وستبدأ قريبًا في تقييم مدى دقة هذا التنفيذ. تهيئ هذه العملية الأساس لربط تنفيذ نموذج مفصل لنموذج الرعاية الصحية المتكاملة للأطفال والرضع في نهاية المطاف بالنتائج بالنسبة للبالغين والرضع والأطفال الذين يرعونهم.
摘 要
在过去十年中, 为支持出生至入学前的婴幼儿看护者的技能提升和反思能力, 婴幼儿心理健康咨询 (IECMHC) 的使用显著增长。现有研究表明, IECMHC对促进儿童的社交和情感发展具有积极作用。然而, 针对特定州级IECMHC模型的执行一致性如何影响成人看护者或其服务对象 (婴幼儿) 的预期结果, 目前的公开研究尚存在空白。本文阐述了科罗拉多州开发自身IECMHC模型的过程, 为填补这一研究空白迈出了第一步。这种分步骤的模型开发方法可供其他州借鉴, 以创建适用于多种场景 (如早教、家访或医疗保健) 的模型。科罗拉多州已开始在全州范围内实施基于该过程开发的模型, 并计划很快开始对其执行一致性进行评估。这一过程为最终将IECMHC模型的实施与成人及婴幼儿的发展成果联系起来奠定了基础。
Le recours à la consultation de santé mentale chez les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants (abrégé IECMHC en anglais) a connu une croissance spectaculaire au cours de la dernière décennie pour soutenir les compétences et la capacité de réflexion des adultes prenant soin de nourrissons et de jeunes enfants, de la naissance jusqu’à l'entrée à la maternelle. Les recherches menées jusqu’à présent ont montré que l'IECMHC s'est avérée être pleine de promesse pour ce qui concerne le soutien du développement social et émotionnel des enfants. Cependant, on constate un fossé entre les recherches publiées qui portent sur la façon dont la fidélité à un modèle IECMHC spécifique à l’échelle de l’État (aux Etats-Unis) impacte les résultats attendus pour les adultes prenant soin des enfants ou les nourrissons et enfants qu'ils ou elles servent. Cet article, qui décrit le processus utilisé par l’état du Colorado pour développer son propre modèle IECMHC, est la première étape pour combler ce fossé. L'approche graduelle de développement des modèles peut être utilisée par d'autres États qui cherchent à créer des modèles axés sur divers contextes, comme l’éducation précoce, les visites à domicile ou les soins de santé. Le Colorado commence à mettre en oeuvre à l’échelle de l’État le modèle qui a résulté de ce processus et commencera bientôt à évaluer la fidélité de l'application du modèle IECMHC. Ce processus met en place les conditions préalables pour établir le lien entre l'application d'un modèle IECMHC et les résultats escomptés pour les adultes et les nourrissons et enfants qu'ils prennent en charge.
In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Beratung zur psychischen Gesundheit von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern (Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, IECMHC) stark zugenommen, um die Fähigkeiten und das Reflexionsvermögen von Erwachsenen zu fördern, die sich um Säuglinge und Kleinkinder von der Geburt bis zum Eintritt in den Kindergarten kümmern. Die bisherige Forschung hat gezeigt, dass die IECMHC die soziale und emotionale Entwicklung von Kindern vielversprechend unterstützt. Es mangelt jedoch an veröffentlichter Forschung dazu, wie sich die Einhaltung eines bestimmten landesweiten IECMHC-Modells auf die gewünschten Ergebnisse für erwachsene Betreuer oder die von ihnen betreuten Säuglinge und Kinder auswirkt. Dieser Artikel, der den Prozess beschreibt, den Colorado zur Entwicklung seines eigenen IECMHC-Modells verwendet hat, ist der erste Schritt zur Schließung dieser Forschungslücke. Das schrittweise Vorgehen bei der Entwicklung des Modells kann von anderen US-Staaten genutzt werden, die ähnliche Anstrengungen unternehmen, um Modelle für eine Vielzahl von Bereichen zu entwickeln, wie z. B. Früherziehung, Hausbesuche oder Gesundheitsfürsorge. Colorado startet derzeit mit der landesweiten Umsetzung des Modells, das aus diesem Prozess hervorgegangen ist, und wird in Kürze damit beginnen, die Einhaltung dieser Umsetzung zu bewerten. Dieser Prozess schafft die Grundlage dafür, dass die Umsetzung eines IECMHC-Modells letztlich mit den Ergebnissen für Erwachsene und die von ihnen betreuten Säuglinge und Kinder verknüpft wird.
乳幼児期精神保健相談 (IECMHC) の利用は、出生から幼稚園入園までの乳幼児のケアにあたる大人のスキルと省察力をサポートするために、過去10年間で劇的に増加しています。これまでの研究では、IECMHCが子どもの社会性や情緒の発達を支援する上で有望であることが示されています。しかし、ある特定の州全体を対象としたIECMHCモデルに忠実に従うことが、成人養育者や彼らがケアする乳幼児に望ましい結果をもたらすかどうかを明確に示した公表された論文はさまざまである。本稿では、コロラド州が独自のIECMHCモデルを開発する際に用いたプロセスを明確に示し、この研究におけるばらつきを埋めるための第一歩である。段階的なモデル開発アプローチは、早期教育、家庭訪問、医療ケアなど、さまざまな状況に対応するモデルの作成に取り組む他の州でも活用できます。コロラド州では、このプロセスから生まれたモデルの州全体への導入を開始しており、まもなくその導入の質を評価する予定です。このプロセスは、最終的に、明確に定義されたIECMHCモデルの実施を、成人と彼らが養育する乳幼児の成果に結びつけるための基盤を構築するものです。
El uso de la Consulta de Salud Mental en la Infancia y la Temprana Niñez (IECMHC) ha crecido dramáticamente a lo largo de la pasada década para apoyar las habilidades y la capacidad de reflexión de adultos que les prestan cuidado a infantes y niños pequeños desde el nacimiento hasta la entrada al jardín de infancia. La investigación hasta el momento es prometedora en cuanto al apoyo que IECMHC presta al desarrollo social y emocional de los niños. Sin embargo, hay un vacío en la investigación publicada que expresa cómo la fidelidad a un modelo de IECMHC específico para todo un Estado ejerce un impacto en los deseados resultados para adultos que prestan el cuidado o los infantes y niños a quienes aquellos les sirven. Este artículo, el cual presenta el proceso que el Estado de Colorado usó para desarrollar su propio modelo de IECMHC, es el primer paso para llenar el vacío en la investigación. El acercamiento paso a paso para el desarrollo del modelo lo pueden usar otros Estados que se embarcan en esfuerzos similares para crear modelos que están orientados hacia una variedad de escenarios, tales como la temprana educación, las visitas a casa o la atención a la salud. Colorado está comenzando una implementación en todo el Estado del modelo que resultó de este proceso y pronto comenzará a evaluar la fidelidad de esa implementación. Este proceso crea el trabajo de planta para enlazar en última instancia la implementación de un articulado modelo de IECMHC con los resultados para adultos y los infantes y niños a quienes esos adultos cuidan.
School‐Based Body Image Programming: A Critical Literature Review
The purpose of this review is to summarize the literature on school-based programs that have been developed to address body image among adolescents. A literature review on this topic has not been conducted since 2013, warranting the need for an updated review since the proliferation of social media and other societal changes. Articles were included if they were published from 2011–2022; 2011 to 2022; described programs implemented in secondary schools in the United States or Canada; and included at least one measure of body image improvement, awareness, or knowledge in the program assessment. The article search involved identifying keywords and applying them to searches in specific databases, including Academic Search Complete, ERIC, MEDLINE, ProQuest Dissertations, PsycInfo, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The search parameters yielded eleven articles, which included studies with both co-ed and female-only samples. None included gender-inclusive curriculum or survey demographics. For most studies, researchers used small sample sizes, self-reported data, and single-site samples. Most included a measure on eating disorder risk in addition to one or more body image measures. Researchers should conduct future studies with larger and more diverse samples. Areas of need include implementing comprehensive programs in the school setting, promoting inclusivity to incorporate gender identity/fluidity, and using experimental research designs with longitudinal assessments.
Implementing a Trauma‐Informed Parenting Program in Urban Schools Serving High Poverty Communities
Parenting programs may mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and promote positive childhood experiences (PCEs), yet they can be stigmatizing and difficult to access in under-resourced communities. We explored whether a trauma-informed, evidence-based parenting program (Chicago Parent Program; CPP) offered universally in public schools in high-poverty urban communities can engage and support parents who have experienced multiple ACEs. Parents participating in CPP in their child's school completed measures of their ACEs, PCEs, and perceptions of program satisfaction and impact. CPP uptake based on session attendance and group-leader ratings of parent engagement in CPP sessions were also obtained. Data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics. Parents (N = 230 across 15 schools and 38 CPP groups; 82.6% mothers, 67.4% Black/African American, 52.8% with incomes < $20,000) reported improvements in parenting and child behavior. 53.5% reported four or more ACEs. On average, parents attended 75% of 12 group sessions and were highly engaged. ACEs and PCEs were negatively correlated (r = −0.44, p < 0.001) though neither was associated with program attendance, engagement, or satisfaction. A universal trauma-informed parenting program offered in public schools in high-poverty urban communities can engage parents exposed to high levels of ACEs.
Trial Registration: identifier: NCT04968314.
A Conceptual Framework for Whole‐School Implementation of Mindfulness Programs and Practices: Wisdom From the Field
Despite the growing prevalence of mindfulness in schools, the empirical landscape describing best practices for implementation is incomplete. The purpose of this project was to develop a framework that explicated the steps and considerations for implementing mindfulness at the whole-school level, rather than just considering individual classroom programs or practices. The Whole School Mindfulness (WSM) conceptual framework was developed using a consensus-building approach with 39 expert educators, researchers, program developers, and practitioners with unique perspectives on what is needed to implement and sustain mindfulness successfully in schools. Information was gathered across three initial meetings and a 2.5-day conference using a process inspired by Appreciative Inquiry; notes were used to create a consensus document that was reviewed and augmented by attendees. Expert contributions were aligned and expanded upon using existing organizational change and implementation science frameworks across various disciplines. The WSM framework, with four phases of development, is structurally similar to other frameworks, but accounts for unique needs related to mindfulness including professional development of personal mindfulness for leaders and school staff, the importance of voluntary engagement in practices, and consideration of contextual and cultural issues.
Parental Educational Involvement Among Filipino Parents: Exploring Motivators, Facilitators, and Barriers Related to Socioeconomic Status
The benefits of parental educational involvement (PEI) are well documented in the literature, specifically on children's learning outcomes and social-emotional development. Thus, it is important to explore the factors that influence PEI. This paper is a qualitative study on the motivators, facilitators, and barriers to PEI among low-income parents in the Philippines. Through purposive sampling, 31 parents were engaged in semi-structured interviews or pakikipagkwentuhan, a data collection method informed by indigenous Filipino Psychology. Participant responses were coded and summarized using thematic analysis. Findings represent a broad range of factors that influence PEI that were categorized into three themes. Theme 1 encompasses parent-related factors, which includes parental aspirations, access to learning and financial resources, efficacy in helping the child, finding time to be involved, and perception of what other people would think. Theme 2 represents social support from spouse, other family members, and fellow parents and friends as facilitators of PEI. Theme 3 involves school-and teacher-related factors, specifically invitation to be involved from teachers and the school and unpleasant past school experiences as a barrier. Findings from this study contribute to our understanding of the factors driving PEI, particularly among vulnerable populations that remain underrepresented in the literature. Moreover, findings also have implications for acknowledging the challenges experienced by low-income parents in supporting their children's education, while also highlighting their resilience and resourcefulness in employing PEI strategies. The crucial role of teachers and school in effectively promoting PEI and supporting educational equity is also discussed.
Development and Validation of the Parental Perceptions of School Counseling Scale (PPSC)
Parents are important stakeholders in school counseling, but research is impeded by the lack of a scale to measure their perceptions. We developed the Parental Perceptions of School Counseling (PPSC) Scale in Chinese and English. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis and found four factors: (1) negative beliefs about school counseling, (2) willingness to meet school counselors, (3) positive beliefs in the benefits of school counseling, and (4) trusting attitude toward counseling. We then conducted a confirmatory factor analysis and construct validation tests. Results supported the scale's four-factor structure. High degrees of reliability and validity were found. The scale's construct validity was tested by examining its relationship with theoretically related constructs, with the negative beliefs about school counseling dimension emerging as the most critical factor. Our study contributes to the literature by developing a psychometrically robust instrument that could help researchers better understand parental perceptions of school counseling.
School‐Based Body Image Programming: A Critical Literature Review
The purpose of this review is to summarize the literature on school-based programs that have been developed to address body image among adolescents. A literature review on this topic has not been conducted since 2013, warranting the need for an updated review since the proliferation of social media and other societal changes. Articles were included if they were published from 2011–2022; 2011 to 2022; described programs implemented in secondary schools in the United States or Canada; and included at least one measure of body image improvement, awareness, or knowledge in the program assessment. The article search involved identifying keywords and applying them to searches in specific databases, including Academic Search Complete, ERIC, MEDLINE, ProQuest Dissertations, PsycInfo, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The search parameters yielded eleven articles, which included studies with both co-ed and female-only samples. None included gender-inclusive curriculum or survey demographics. For most studies, researchers used small sample sizes, self-reported data, and single-site samples. Most included a measure on eating disorder risk in addition to one or more body image measures. Researchers should conduct future studies with larger and more diverse samples. Areas of need include implementing comprehensive programs in the school setting, promoting inclusivity to incorporate gender identity/fluidity, and using experimental research designs with longitudinal assessments.
Implementing a Trauma‐Informed Parenting Program in Urban Schools Serving High Poverty Communities
Parenting programs may mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and promote positive childhood experiences (PCEs), yet they can be stigmatizing and difficult to access in under-resourced communities. We explored whether a trauma-informed, evidence-based parenting program (Chicago Parent Program; CPP) offered universally in public schools in high-poverty urban communities can engage and support parents who have experienced multiple ACEs. Parents participating in CPP in their child's school completed measures of their ACEs, PCEs, and perceptions of program satisfaction and impact. CPP uptake based on session attendance and group-leader ratings of parent engagement in CPP sessions were also obtained. Data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics. Parents (N = 230 across 15 schools and 38 CPP groups; 82.6% mothers, 67.4% Black/African American, 52.8% with incomes < $20,000) reported improvements in parenting and child behavior. 53.5% reported four or more ACEs. On average, parents attended 75% of 12 group sessions and were highly engaged. ACEs and PCEs were negatively correlated (r = −0.44, p < 0.001) though neither was associated with program attendance, engagement, or satisfaction. A universal trauma-informed parenting program offered in public schools in high-poverty urban communities can engage parents exposed to high levels of ACEs.
Trial Registration: identifier: NCT04968314.
A Conceptual Framework for Whole‐School Implementation of Mindfulness Programs and Practices: Wisdom From the Field
Despite the growing prevalence of mindfulness in schools, the empirical landscape describing best practices for implementation is incomplete. The purpose of this project was to develop a framework that explicated the steps and considerations for implementing mindfulness at the whole-school level, rather than just considering individual classroom programs or practices. The Whole School Mindfulness (WSM) conceptual framework was developed using a consensus-building approach with 39 expert educators, researchers, program developers, and practitioners with unique perspectives on what is needed to implement and sustain mindfulness successfully in schools. Information was gathered across three initial meetings and a 2.5-day conference using a process inspired by Appreciative Inquiry; notes were used to create a consensus document that was reviewed and augmented by attendees. Expert contributions were aligned and expanded upon using existing organizational change and implementation science frameworks across various disciplines. The WSM framework, with four phases of development, is structurally similar to other frameworks, but accounts for unique needs related to mindfulness including professional development of personal mindfulness for leaders and school staff, the importance of voluntary engagement in practices, and consideration of contextual and cultural issues.
Parental Educational Involvement Among Filipino Parents: Exploring Motivators, Facilitators, and Barriers Related to Socioeconomic Status
The benefits of parental educational involvement (PEI) are well documented in the literature, specifically on children's learning outcomes and social-emotional development. Thus, it is important to explore the factors that influence PEI. This paper is a qualitative study on the motivators, facilitators, and barriers to PEI among low-income parents in the Philippines. Through purposive sampling, 31 parents were engaged in semi-structured interviews or pakikipagkwentuhan, a data collection method informed by indigenous Filipino Psychology. Participant responses were coded and summarized using thematic analysis. Findings represent a broad range of factors that influence PEI that were categorized into three themes. Theme 1 encompasses parent-related factors, which includes parental aspirations, access to learning and financial resources, efficacy in helping the child, finding time to be involved, and perception of what other people would think. Theme 2 represents social support from spouse, other family members, and fellow parents and friends as facilitators of PEI. Theme 3 involves school-and teacher-related factors, specifically invitation to be involved from teachers and the school and unpleasant past school experiences as a barrier. Findings from this study contribute to our understanding of the factors driving PEI, particularly among vulnerable populations that remain underrepresented in the literature. Moreover, findings also have implications for acknowledging the challenges experienced by low-income parents in supporting their children's education, while also highlighting their resilience and resourcefulness in employing PEI strategies. The crucial role of teachers and school in effectively promoting PEI and supporting educational equity is also discussed.
Perceptual Novelty Drives Early Exploration in a Bottom‐Up Manner
Children are more likely than adults to explore new options, but is this due to a top-down epistemic-uncertainty-driven process or a bottom-up novelty-driven process? Given immature cognitive control, children may choose a new option because they are more susceptible to the automatic attraction of perceptual novelty and have difficulty disengaging from it. This hypothesis is difficult to test because perceptual novelty is intertwined with epistemic uncertainty. To address this problem, we designed a new n-armed bandit task to fully decouple novelty and epistemic uncertainty. By having adults and 4- to 6-year-olds perform the task, we found that perceptual novelty predominated 4-year-olds’ (but not adults’ or older children's) decisions even when it had no epistemic uncertainty and had the lowest reward value. Additionally, 4-year-olds showed such a novelty preference only when the option's novelty was directly observable, but not when it could only be anticipated, providing new evidence that perceptual novelty alone can drive elevated exploration in early development in a bottom-up manner.
Impact of Deafness on the Lateralized Brain Responses to Letters and Digits: A Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation Exploratory Study in Deaf and Hearing Children
Numbers and letters are culturally created symbols that acquire meaning through extensive training, significantly influencing brain function. The distinct hemispheric specialization of cortical regions for these categories has been hypothesized to relate to the co-activated brain networks: the left language regions for letters, and the right intra-parietal sulcus for numbers. However, the potential influence of deafness and sign language on hemispheric specialization for letters and numbers remains unclear. The present study aims to explore this issue by using a FPVS-EEG approach with an oddball paradigm. Deaf and hearing children aged 8–13 were exposed to rapid streams of visual stimuli (6 Hz), with a deviant category introduced periodically (every 5 items; at 1.2 Hz) and eliciting a neural response in the frequency domain if discriminated from the base category. Here, digits are served as base stimuli and letters as oddball stimuli, and vice-versa. Our results suggest disparities in hemispheric lateralization for letters between deaf and hearing children, while neural responses to digits did not significantly vary between the two groups. Both groups exhibited right-lateralized responses to digits, which were stronger compared to responses to letters. Importantly, in deaf children, the neural response to letters was stronger in the right hemisphere, whereas hearing children displayed a bilateral response with a nonsignificant trend toward left lateralization. The important implications of these exploratory results, suggesting an early impact of sensory deprivation and/or sign language on the organization of the brain, are discussed.
Parental Social and Musical Characteristics, the Home Music Environment, and Child Language Development in Infancy
Parents use music, especially singing, to interact with their young children, supporting parent-child bonding and social communication. Little is known about the parental attributes that support musical interactions with their infants. In this exploratory study, we analyzed self-report data from 43 caregiver/infant dyads at up to four time points (9, 12, 15, and 18 months) to assess parent social motivation and musical training as predictors of the home music environment overall, parental singing, and parental beliefs in the benefits of music. We also investigated the home music environment as a predictor of language development longitudinally. Parent social motivation was a stronger predictor of the home music environment than musical training. Parents' social motivation was positively related to parental singing, beliefs, and overall music environment, while musical training was only related to their beliefs. Furthermore, parent singing and overall home music, but not parental beliefs, were associated with infants' vocabulary comprehension, production, and gestures. Results highlight that music engagement in early childhood is fundamentally a social experience and emphasize the importance of parents' active participation (vs. only their beliefs) in musical experiences with their infant. The social nature of music experiences in infancy may contribute to relationships between the home music environment and child language development.
Identifying Reliable Change in Outcome Assessments for Behavioral Interventions
Behavioral interventions have demonstrated group-level benefits for a variety of behavioral presentations and conditions. The ability to capture and quantify reliable individual-level change during the course of behavioral interventions is essential for making rational clinical management decisions. Recently, the neurobehavioral evaluation tool (NET) was developed and revised for use within behavioral intervention outcome assessment. Traditional, practice-adjusted, and standardized regression-based reliable change indices (RCIs) were calculated for the NET domains to provide reliable change norms. In two samples (Ns = 498 and 125), traditional RCIs indicated that reliable symptom reductions and skill improvements needed to be +/− 0.7 to 1.3 SDs across domains. Standardized regression-based change norms indicated that slightly smaller magnitude changes are required to be considered reliable. NET-derived RCIs can be used to inform clinical management during behavioral interventions. Regression-based RCIs may be particularly useful for guiding clinical management for individuals with very high symptoms/very low skills at baseline.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Executive Functions and Reading in the Field of Education
Executive functions are one of the most prominent research topics investigated in explaining reading skills, which involve complex cognitive processes. In this study, a bibliometric analysis of articles on executive functions and reading in the field of education was conducted. In the study, 42 articles published between 2012 and 2024 were accessed using the Web of Science database, and the analyses were carried out using the VOSviewer program. As a result of the study, an increase was observed in the number of articles on executive functions and reading in recent years, with three peaks (2018, 2020, and 2023). The examined articles were mostly published in well-established scientific journals with the highest impact factor in the field of reading. Keyword analysis revealed that reading comprehension was one of the most popular concepts. Moreover, it was determined that the role of working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility in the decoding process was discussed less than their role in reading comprehension. Finally, in the abstracts of the articles, the terms “student” and “child” were included as strong links and were among the most frequently repeated terms. This finding is important in that it particularly emphasizes the importance of executive functions in childhood.
Beyond Primary Assessment on the WISC‐V: An Investigation of the Structural Validity of the Ancillary Scores
The present study examined the posited structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V) ancillary index scores with normative sample participants aged 6-16 years (N = 2200) using a series of confirmatory factor analyzes (CFA) with maximum likelihood estimation. CFA results supported the retention of auditory working memory (AWM) but not quantitative reasoning (QR) as narrow dimensions in an extended WISC-V measurement model. Additional results from models explicating the structures for each of the posited ancillary composite-level indexes (nonverbal [NVI], general ability [GAI], cognitive processing [CPI]) provided support, in part, that these indexes represent global dimensions with differing degrees of generality. Though some of these scores may be used in the manner intended by the test publisher (e.g., comparing and contrasting performance on different composites, specific learning disability identification), provisional limitations for using the ancillary indexes as a focal point of clinical decision-making are discussed.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Executive Functions and Reading in the Field of Education
Executive functions are one of the most prominent research topics investigated in explaining reading skills, which involve complex cognitive processes. In this study, a bibliometric analysis of articles on executive functions and reading in the field of education was conducted. In the study, 42 articles published between 2012 and 2024 were accessed using the Web of Science database, and the analyses were carried out using the VOSviewer program. As a result of the study, an increase was observed in the number of articles on executive functions and reading in recent years, with three peaks (2018, 2020, and 2023). The examined articles were mostly published in well-established scientific journals with the highest impact factor in the field of reading. Keyword analysis revealed that reading comprehension was one of the most popular concepts. Moreover, it was determined that the role of working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility in the decoding process was discussed less than their role in reading comprehension. Finally, in the abstracts of the articles, the terms “student” and “child” were included as strong links and were among the most frequently repeated terms. This finding is important in that it particularly emphasizes the importance of executive functions in childhood.