On the regulation and dysregulation of emotions in child psychopathology: commentary on Blader et al. (2025)
Blader et al.'s (2025) recent annual review article makes an important contribution to the literature on emotion dysregulation in child and adolescent mental health. In addition to synthesizing the current evidence base, the authors put forth a cogent formalized view of emotion regulatory processes and how they go awry. Much has been written on emotion (dys)regulation and psychopathology (for overviews, see Lincoln et al., 2022; Paulus et al., 2021; Sheppes et al., 2015). It would therefore be reasonable to ask what novel contribution could be made by a new review article at this time. But for all that has been written, there is much work still to be done. Blader et al. (2025) admirably rise to meet this challenge. We hope this commentary amplifies and adds to their effort. Below, we reflect on a few aspects of their contribution and offer some further thoughts that may inform future work in this area.