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Conducting a Fine-Grained Spelling Analysis to Intensify Reading Interventions for Elementary Students

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
There is a strong connection between word reading and spelling development. Students’ spelling can provide insights into their word-level reading skills and inform intensive reading interventions delivered within a data-based individualization framework. The purpose of this article is to describe the linguistic knowledge bases that connect word reading and spelling and to provide a step-by-step guide that describes how special educators can use a fine-grained analysis of students’ diagnostic spelling assessment data to make adaptations to intensify reading intervention for elementary students with word-level reading disabilities.

What’s in a Word? Analyzing Students’ Oral Reading Fluency to Inform Instructional Decision-Making

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Students with reading disabilities require instruction and intensive intervention targeted to their current learning needs. Through data-based instruction, educators can monitor student’s performance and make adjustments to instruction to better address student needs using both progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment. This article provides educators with a systematic approach to using error analysis of oral reading fluency data as a diagnostic tool to guide instructional decision-making. Additionally, it examines potential causes of word reading errorsβ€”such as phonemic, orthographic, morphemic, or high-frequency word challengesβ€”and offers educator strategies for adapting and intensifying instruction based on individual student error patterns.

Disability Identity and Self-Determination for Students With Learning Disabilities

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Given that self-knowledge is recognized as a key component of self-determined behavior, intentionally teaching students with learning disabilities (LD) about their identified disability can create conditions needed for future self-determined behavior. In the following article, action steps are provided that are useful for fostering development of vital self-knowledge, self-advocacy skills, and self-determination. These steps toward self-determination are built on a foundation of self-knowledge that includes disability, and self-advocacy skill practice that can be implemented with elementary, middle, and high school students identified with LD.