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Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 207-213, March 2025.
This article examines the importance of integrating culturally responsive teaching practices in classrooms for students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). It highlights strategies supported ...

Lawton et al. v. Success Academy Charter Schools, Inc. (2018): Charter School Disciplinary Approaches and Students With Disabilities

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 236-240, March 2025.
By being public entities, charter schools must meet U.S. federal legislative mandates (e.g., Section 504) in providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to students with disabilities—just as their traditional district public school counterparts ...

The Technological Past Informs the Present: A Conversation with Dr. Cynthia M. Okolo

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 241-247, March 2025.
Dr. Cindy Okolo is a professor emerita in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education at Michigan State University. Throughout her career, Dr. Okolo’s scholarship has focused on the academic and behavioral outcomes of ...

How to Use Instructional Assessments for Explicit Instruction of Text-Writing Fluency

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 220-227, March 2025.
Many students with learning disabilities (LD) struggle to develop text-writing fluency: the skill of accurately and efficiently composing multiple words into sentences and passages understandable to readers. In prior studies, researchers have used ...

CHECK Visual Schedules to Support Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 228-235, March 2025.
Visual schedules use a series of images and text to visually illustrate a sequence of events, prepare the individual for the following action or step within an activity or chain of activities, and prompt them to follow a series of activities or tasks ...

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Supporting Students With Section 504 Plans

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 214-219, March 2025.
Although more than 1.38 million students receive accommodations and supports accorded by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, many teachers report not knowing about their responsibilities under Section 504. The purpose of this article is to ...

Mastering Discrete Skills Through Strategic Incremental Rehearsal

Intervention in School and Clinic, Volume 60, Issue 4, Page 197-206, March 2025.
Automaticity in discrete skills is vital to developing proficiency in the higher-order abilities necessary for successful school, work, and social outcomes. Unfortunately, many students struggle with this automaticity. Strategic incremental rehearsal (SIR)...

Supporting Rural Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders on the School Bus With Behavior Contingency Contracts

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Riding the school bus can be an especially challenging time of the school day for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBDs). Behavior contingency contracts are an effective, evidence-based intervention that can be used to support students in ...

Implementing Developmental Bibliotherapy to Manage Anger in Students With Learning Disabilities

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) sometimes experience anger, which can negatively affect their academic performance and social relationships if not managed properly. Prevention and intervention programs are beneficial in addressing this ...

Creating Highly Structured Classrooms for Students in Alternative Education Settings

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Students are often placed in alternative education schools or settings (AES) for behavioral issues that cannot be effectively supported in a general education setting. A large portion of students educated in AES have a diagnosed emotional and behavioral ...

What’s in a Word? Analyzing Students’ Oral Reading Fluency to Inform Instructional Decision-Making

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Students with reading disabilities require instruction and intensive intervention targeted to their current learning needs. Through data-based instruction, educators can monitor student’s performance and make adjustments to instruction to better address ...

Conducting a Fine-Grained Spelling Analysis to Intensify Reading Interventions for Elementary Students

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
There is a strong connection between word reading and spelling development. Students’ spelling can provide insights into their word-level reading skills and inform intensive reading interventions delivered within a data-based individualization framework. ...

Disability Identity and Self-Determination for Students With Learning Disabilities

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Given that self-knowledge is recognized as a key component of self-determined behavior, intentionally teaching students with learning disabilities (LD) about their identified disability can create conditions needed for future self-determined behavior. In ...

Conducting a Fine-Grained Spelling Analysis to Intensify Reading Interventions for Elementary Students

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
There is a strong connection between word reading and spelling development. Students’ spelling can provide insights into their word-level reading skills and inform intensive reading interventions delivered within a data-based individualization framework. The purpose of this article is to describe the linguistic knowledge bases that connect word reading and spelling and to provide a step-by-step guide that describes how special educators can use a fine-grained analysis of students’ diagnostic spelling assessment data to make adaptations to intensify reading intervention for elementary students with word-level reading disabilities.

What’s in a Word? Analyzing Students’ Oral Reading Fluency to Inform Instructional Decision-Making

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Students with reading disabilities require instruction and intensive intervention targeted to their current learning needs. Through data-based instruction, educators can monitor student’s performance and make adjustments to instruction to better address student needs using both progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment. This article provides educators with a systematic approach to using error analysis of oral reading fluency data as a diagnostic tool to guide instructional decision-making. Additionally, it examines potential causes of word reading errors—such as phonemic, orthographic, morphemic, or high-frequency word challenges—and offers educator strategies for adapting and intensifying instruction based on individual student error patterns.

Disability Identity and Self-Determination for Students With Learning Disabilities

Intervention in School and Clinic, Ahead of Print.
Given that self-knowledge is recognized as a key component of self-determined behavior, intentionally teaching students with learning disabilities (LD) about their identified disability can create conditions needed for future self-determined behavior. In the following article, action steps are provided that are useful for fostering development of vital self-knowledge, self-advocacy skills, and self-determination. These steps toward self-determination are built on a foundation of self-knowledge that includes disability, and self-advocacy skill practice that can be implemented with elementary, middle, and high school students identified with LD.