Advancing Equitable and Socially Just Practices in School Psychology: Transformative Science Informing Mental Health, Safety, and Data-Based Decisions tandf: School Psychology Review: Table of Contents By: Mei-Ki Chan Caitlyn Chambers Shane R. Jimerson a Utah State Universityb Xavier University of Louisianac University of CaliforniaMei-Ki Chan, PhD, is an assistant professor at Utah State University. Dr. Chan’s research has two primary focuses: enhancing culturally responsive school-based mental health screening and exploring the complex intersections of school contexts (e.g., school diversity), sociocultural factors (e.g., school climate, peer support), personal assets (e.g., social-emotional competencies), and social identities. Currently, she serves as an Editorial Fellow with School Psychology Review.Caitlyn Chambers, PhD, is an assistant professor at Xavier University, Louisiana. Dr. Chambers’s research focuses on advancing understanding of diversity, autism spectrum disorders, developmental disabilities, and social skills. She currently serves as an Editorial Fellow with School Psychology Review.Shane R. Jimerson, PhD, is a professor at University of California 7 March 2025 at 04:38 Volume 54, Issue 2, 2025.
Does a Social and Emotional Learning Program Have the Same Effect for all Students Regardless of Their Bullying Roles? tandf: School Psychology Review: Table of Contents By: Vítor Alexandre Coelho Mariana Sousa Marta Marchante Sara Cruz a Académico de Torres Vedrasb The Psychology for Development Research Center, Lusíada University PortoVítor Alexandre Coelho is a certified Specialist in Educational Psychology and holds a PhD in Educational Psychology by the University of Coimbra. He coordinates the “Positive Attitude” project and the Social and Emotional Adjustment research group of the Psychology of Development Research Center (CIPD), at Lusíada University (Porto). He has published over 50 articles on the topics of social emotional learning, bullying, professional issues, and middle school transition. He is currently the past-president of ISPA and the President-Elect of IAAP-Division 5.Mariana Sousa completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, University of Porto, in July 2015. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences and a Researcher at the Psychol 21 February 2025 at 01:38 .
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Equity in Exclusionary School Discipline tandf: School Psychology Review: Table of Contents By: Dewey G. Cornell Jennifer Maeng Sonja Winter Francis Huang Tim G. Konold Jordan Kerere Kelvin Afolabi Deanne Cowley a School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginiab College of Education and Human Development, University of MissouriDewey G. Cornell, PhD, is the Virgil Ward Professor of Education and director of the Virginia Youth Violence Project in the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development. His research is concerned with school safety and the prevention of youth violence. He led the development of the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines.Jennifer Maeng, PhD, is a Research Associate Professor in the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development. Her research focuses on the role contextual factors of the educational setting, such as school climate and safety, play in supporting effective teaching and learning.Sonja Winter, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation in Ed 14 February 2025 at 09:20 .
Consequences of Response Formats on Racial and Ethnic Bias and Fairness in Writing Assessments tandf: School Psychology Review: Table of Contents By: Michael Matta Narmene Hamsho a University of Houstonb Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityMichael Matta, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of School Psychology at the University of Houston. His research focuses on the evaluation of the intended and unintended consequences of test score interpretation and use against historically minoritized students. He is also interested in the consequences of questionable research practices for study validity and conclusions.Narmene Hamsho, PhD, is an Assistant Professor within the School Psychology program at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s School of Psychology and Counseling. As a licensed psychologist, Dr. Hamsho has consulted with teachers, families, and schools to facilitate the implementation of educational and behavioral supports for students in need. Her research is focused on reducing academic opportunity gaps and improving the schooling experiences of youth and their families around the world. 14 February 2025 at 09:49 .
“Real Collaboration is Empowering:” Facilitators, Barriers, and Benefits of a Community-School Partnership in an Indigenous Community tandf: School Psychology Review: Table of Contents By: Amy E. Violante Anisa N. Goforth Jingjing Sun Jaida A. Lilly Ronda Howlett Debbie Hogenson Beth Munro Deborah Ith Anna Reszewicz a University of Montanab Arlee School DistrictAmy E. Violante, PhD, is graduate of the school psychology doctoral program at the University of Montana. She provides culturally responsive services to students, families, and educators as a school psychologist in a public school district.Anisa N. Goforth, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Montana. Her research focuses on culturally responsive evidence-based practices to support students’ learning and mental health.Jingjing Sun, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Montana. Her research examines social and affective processes in learning, with a focus on working with teachers and children from marginalized communities.Jaida A. Lilly, BS, is a school psychology doctoral student at the University of Montana a 5 February 2025 at 08:34 .
School Threat Assessment Team Recommendations: Surveillance Versus Social Support and Racial/Ethnic Equity tandf: School Psychology Review: Table of Contents By: Eric Madfis Jason R. Silva Franci Crepeau-Hobson, Michael L. Sulkowski a University of Washington—Tacomab William Paterson Universityc University of Colorado—Denverd The University of AlabamaEric Madfis, PhD, is a professor of criminal justice at the University of Washington Tacoma, where his research focuses on the causes and prevention of school violence, hate crime, and mass murder. He also serves as director of the Violence Prevention and Transformation Research Collaborative.Jason R. Silva, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at William Paterson University. His research examines media and crime, school violence, mass shootings, and terrorism.Franci Crepeau-Hobson, PhD, is a professor and school psychology program director in the School of Education & Human Development at the University of Colorado–Denver. Her research focuses on youth suicide prevention, crisis response and intervention, school violence prevention, an 3 January 2025 at 07:21 .