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Pre-service English language teachers’ perceptions and motivation towards technology use in online education

Language Teaching Research, Ahead of Print.
This study examined the perceptions and motivation of 64 pre-service English language teaching (ELT) teachers at an international university in North Cyprus towards technology use in online language education. It employed a mixed-methods approach. The ...

The lexical profile of online graded reading materials in English language teaching: A corpus-based study

Language Teaching Research, Ahead of Print.
In contexts of both English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL), there is an ongoing effort to incorporate online graded reading materials into extensive reading programs designed for second language (L2) learners. However, ...

Exploring an intervention in teacher professional development in critical literacy practices for in-service teachers: A case study in a Lebanese private school

Language Teaching Research, Ahead of Print.
Teaching critical literacy (CL) as an explicit intended learning outcome is essential for operating in a global and interconnected world. Considering the limited research on in-service teachers’ development and enactment of critical literacy practices, ...

Fluency development through freewriting and transfer to other more structured tasks

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 986-1006, March 2025.
This study investigated the effect of consistent freewriting practice on written fluency development. Thirty-nine first-year university students completed 70 10-minute freewriting activities over the course of an academic semester. Written fluency, ...

Implementation of translingual pedagogies in EAL writing: A systematic review

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 942-966, March 2025.
Translingual pedagogies have been proposed and implemented to respond to the increasing linguistic and cultural diversity in today’s classrooms. However, the findings of translingual pedagogies on English as an additional language (EAL) writing vary from ...

Effects of teacher intervention and type of peer feedback on student writing revision

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1094-1113, March 2025.
Peer feedback has been widely used in English as a foreign language (EFL) writing classes, but its effect is highly variable and its quality and validity are often questioned by students as well as teachers. This research aims to explore the effects of ...

Task sequencing and L2 writing development: Exploring the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1235-1263, March 2025.
To test the predictive power of the SSARC (stabilize, simplify, automatize, reconstruct, and complexify) model of pedagogic task sequencing in second language (L2) writing development, the present study explores the performance of written decision-making ...

The effectiveness of second-language listening strategy instruction: A meta-analysis

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1039-1068, March 2025.
Research on the effects of second language (L2) listening strategy instruction (SI) has gained momentum in recent years (e.g. Vandergrift & Tafaghodtari, 2010). However, the reported results have been inconclusive and varied across studies. Synthesizing ...

Use of the L1 and L2 in strategic planning and rehearsal for task performances in an online classroom

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1139-1164, March 2025.
This study examined the impact of collaborative pre-task strategic planning followed by rehearsal on the quantity and novelty of content used in task performances when strategic planning is performed in different language conditions in an online ...

The effect of CLIL context on the primary education EFL receptive and productive lexical growth

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1114-1138, March 2025.
This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the nature and the patterns of lexical growth in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and non-CLIL learners across three successive academic years. To pursue the purpose of the study a total of 110 ...

A synergetic perspective on students’ perception of classroom environment, expectancy value belief, and engagement in an EFL context

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1069-1093, March 2025.
Engaging students in the second language (L2) classroom is a critical task that requires a clear understanding of the multilayered characteristics of the L2 classroom and the motivational mechanisms through which these characteristics influence student ...

Faith or path? Profiling the motivations of multilingual Chinese as a foreign language teachers using Q methodology

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1345-1371, March 2025.
As a topic of rising interest, language teacher motivation has been studied through various lenses and across different contexts over recent years. Yet, relatively scant attention has been paid to Chinese language teachers teaching overseas. Using Q ...

Robotics and Weblog integration into EFL curriculum of middle and secondary schools: Exploratory study

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1189-1209, March 2025.
This study set out to examine the effectiveness of Robotics and Weblog models in improving English as a foreign language (EFL) proficiency of terminal middle and secondary school graders. Another purpose is to suggest pedagogies required to integrate ...

A longitudinal study of foreign language enjoyment and boredom: A latent growth curve modeling

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1007-1038, March 2025.
The present research aimed to explore the dynamic growth of two emotional constructs: foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and foreign language learning boredom (FLLB) among L2 learners. To do so, we used a method that would capture the inherent dynamicity of ...

‘I’ve got all these little problems that I’m circling in my head’: Creativity in expert ELT textbook writing

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 967-985, March 2025.
Retrospective accounts of materials development in the applied linguistics literature speak to the relationship between creativity and textbook writing, but this study forges another path by examining how an expert ELT (English language teaching) textbook ...

Effects of prior knowledge and reasoning demands on Chinese EFL writing performance

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1264-1285, March 2025.
Task design features have different effects on second language (L2) production and can be adopted for different pedagogical purposes. However, the synergistic effects of task features were left unexplored in the extant task-based literature. The present ...

Measuring listening and speaking self-efficacy in EFL contexts: The development of the Communicative SE Questionnaire

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1210-1234, March 2025.
This article outlines the development of a 16-item instrument for measuring language learner’s foreign language self-efficacy (SE) concerning their speaking and listening skills through repeated administrations to groups of Japanese tertiary students. ...

To what extent are foreign language anxiety and foreign language enjoyment related to L2 fluency? An investigation of task-specific emotions and breakdown and speed fluency in an oral task

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 911-941, March 2025.
The relationship between foreign language anxiety (FLA) and foreign language enjoyment (FLE) experienced during a creative collaborative oral English-as-a-foreign-language task, and the relationships between FLE/FLA and task speech fluency were ...

The effects of flipped classroom approach in EFL teaching: Can we strategically use the flipped method to acquire communicative competence?

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1165-1188, March 2025.
This study investigates the effects of the flipped classroom approach on five aspects of written communicative competence of learners of English as a foreign language (EFL): lexis, syntax, cohesion, pragmatics, and discourse. It experimented on two groups ...

Task repetition and corrective feedback via models and direct corrections among young EFL writers: Draft quality and task motivation

Language Teaching Research, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 1311-1344, March 2025.
Second language (L2) writing research has demonstrated that young learners discuss linguistic issues, make use of feedback, and show a generally positive disposition toward writing tasks. However, many issues deserve further investigation. Regarding task ...