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Comparison of Using Modified and Nonmodified Books on Comprehension of Students With Extensive Support Needs

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 53-65, February 2025.
Modified books are frequently used as comprehension supports for students with extensive support needs (ESN), despite limited evaluations of their creation process or impact on comprehension. This study evaluates the impact of individualized book and ...

Classroom Placements of Students With Disabilities in Public Day Schools in a Large School District

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 42-52, February 2025.
This study used longitudinal special education record data from a large urban southwestern U.S. school district to review classroom placements of students in Grades 5 to 9 educated in traditional public schools (N= 21,314). Results indicated that half of ...

Narrating Access and Agency: Students With Intellectual Disability Share Their Experiences With Higher Education

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 31-41, February 2025.
Growing numbers of students with intellectual disability (ID) have gained access to universities and colleges through the development of inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs. Despite having physical access to college and university campuses ...

“Not Sure How to Approach Them the Right Way”: Nondisabled Students’ Perspectives on Friendship With Peers With I/DD

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 66-78, February 2025.
Friendships are personally valuable and developmentally important relationships for all people, yet friendships between students with and without intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) remain infrequent, even in inclusive settings. Extant ...

Exploring Individual Changes in Disability Status and Their Relations to Reading Comprehension Development

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 3-17, February 2025.
This study used data from the U.S. state of Michigan schools participating in theReading Firstprogram to examine the stability of students’ disability status in Grades 1 to 3. Reading First aimed to improve at-risk students’ reading comprehension ...

Training Preservice Teachers to Make Data-Based Decisions: A Comparison of Two Interventions

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 18-30, February 2025.
Data-based decision-making, which involves evaluating students’ progress and making instructional decisions, is an integral competency for preservice teachers. Several studies have found that visual aids, such as decision-making models, may be an ...

The Effects of Paraeducator-Implemented Interventions on Student Literacy Skill Acquisition: A Review

Remedial and Special Education, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 79-90, February 2025.
Paraeducators are increasingly tasked with delivering early literacy instruction to students with disabilities in elementary schools. This review synthesized findings from 19 studies that examined paraeducator-implemented early literacy instruction and ...

Expanding Science Learning for Students With Complex Support Needs: A Case Study

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
There is an expanding body of research focused on exploring inclusive science learning for students with complex support needs. The aim of this qualitative case study was to explore how a research partnership focused on expanding inclusive science ...

The Dynamic Relationship Between Students’ Talk About Their Learning and Teachers’ Reading Instruction

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Historically, in educational research, student learning is frequently represented as quantitative data that demonstrates academic achievement. However, examining student learning by quantitative measures alone means that we do not fully understand the ...

Managing Student Behavior in Middle School Special Education Classrooms: A Single-Subject Study of CW-FIT

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Teachers have the responsibility of managing student classroom behavior. The positive effects of evidence-based classroom management methods, like Class-Wide Function-related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT), have been demonstrated in a variety of settings; ...

Intensification of a Reading Comprehension Intervention Using Student Data: A Pilot Study

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Many students in the upper elementary grades and beyond uniquely struggle with reading comprehension, necessitating explicit instruction and remediation in this area. This study used data-based decision-making (DBDM), a research-based systematic approach ...

A Comparison of Measurement of Stability and Predictors of Special Education Burnout and Work Engagement

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Special education teacher (SET) stress and burnout is a significant problem. A total of 490 special education teachers were surveyed across the United States. The purpose of this study was to (a) assess and compare three measures of burnout/work ...

Leveraging Large Administrative Data for Special Education Policy Analysis: Recent Contributions and Future Directions

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The purpose of this special issue is to explain the advantages of using administrative data generated by states and school districts for research in special education, illustrate their use in special education policy studies, and encourage more such ...

Measuring Elementary Student Reading Gain in the Context of School-Implemented Multitiered Systems of Support

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
There is limited research with mixed results about student reading gains in Grades 1 to 5 within typical school-implemented Response to Intervention (RTI). As part of a larger study, we used school-administered screening data on a widely used computer-...

Do I Belong Yet? The Relationship Between Special Education, In-School Suspension, Belonging, and Engagement

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Students receiving special education services are disproportionately subjected to exclusionary discipline compared to their nondisabled peers. They also report feeling less connected and engaged at school, which is associated with exclusionary discipline ...

Postsecondary Educational Experiences of Autistic Young Adults: A Longitudinal Follow-Up to a School-Based Study

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
This longitudinal follow-up study of 129 autistic young adults and their parents in three states was designed to (a) investigate autistic young adults’ postsecondary education experiences, (b) learn if the experiences align with their interests and if ...

Self-Regulation and High School Graduation for Youth With and Without Disabilities in Foster Care

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
High school graduation rates for youth in foster care are disproportionally low. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-regulation and high school graduation trajectory for foster youth with and without disabilities. ...

The Development of a Coaching Model: Challenges and Implications for Intervention Research

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Instructional coaching is one way to support teachers’ implementation of evidence-based practices, but gaps exist in knowledge about effective coaching interventions to support teacher learning at the secondary level. In this article, we first introduce ...

Special Educators’ Experiences Navigating Tensions When Serving Students Labeled With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Special educators often work in school contexts that are not oriented toward their students’ strengths and needs, resulting in tension–misalignment between their responsibility to students and their schools’ resources and expectations. Using grounded ...

The Efficacy of a Content Area Reading Comprehension Intervention for Students With Disabilities

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
This pilot study investigated the efficacy of the Promoting Adolescent Comprehension Through Text (PACT) intervention, a social studies content knowledge and reading comprehension set of practices implemented with social studies classes including students ...

Adaptive Behavior, Self-Determination, and Health in Autistic Young Adults

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Adaptive behavior, self-determination, and health are important areas of body functions and activities identified by autistic adults as priorities for research. Past research has suggested that autistic adults have high support needs in adaptive behavior ...

Principals’ Conceptions of Their Roles Supporting Self-Contained Programs for Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Special educators serving students with emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD) depend on their principals’ support, yet prior research has not explored principals’ roles in supporting these programs. Using constructivist grounded theory methods, we analyzed ...

Integrating Community Cultural Wealth Into Postsecondary Transition for Students With Disabilities Receiving English Learner Services

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Understanding how capital influences postsecondary transition for students receiving special education and English learner (EL) services can inform culturally sustaining planning practices and improve postsecondary outcomes. Recognizing how students and ...

Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Determination and Economic Hardship Constructs Among Adolescents With and Without Disabilities

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
In this registered report, we examined interrelationships between established constructs of self-determination and economic hardship using data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012 (NLTS2012). We tested the hypothesized factor structure of ...

Family–School Relationships and Exclusionary Discipline of Students With and Without Disabilities

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Using data extracted from the Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey of the 2019 National Household Education Surveys Program, this study used a series of linear probability models to examine the association between family–school relationships ...

Interests, Plans, and Hopes for Life After High School From Autistic Young Adults’ Perspectives

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Obtaining the perspectives of autistic young adults is critical for planning educational and service delivery systems focused on the preparation for a high life quality after high school. The perspective and voice of autistic young adults who participated ...

Implications of What Works Clearinghouse Guidelines on Single-Case Design: An Investigation of Empty Training Phases

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The What Works Clearinghouse quality standards provide guidance regarding studies capable of supporting evidence-based practices. Standards concerning single-case designs have been extensively revised to accommodate new evaluation methods, such as the ...

Grade Retention: The Role of Speech and Language Disorders, Race and Ethnicity, Sex, Socioeconomic Status, Special Education, and Bilingualism

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The odds of grade retention for children with speech or language disorders were assessed using data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), a nationally representative and cross-sectional survey of U.S. children from 2016 to 2021. Various ...

Understanding the Perceptions of School Engagement of Parents of Students With Autism

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Family–school engagement is integral to the success of students with autism. However, limited research has examined the conceptualization of family–school engagement from the perspective of parents of children with autism. With this in mind, we conducted ...

Outcome-Reporting Bias in Special Education Intervention Research Using Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Group Designs: A Conceptual Replication

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
We conducted a conceptual replication of Pigott et al.’s study of outcome-reporting bias, wherein they compared intervention outcomes reported in unpublished education dissertations with corresponding published versions. For our replication, we identified ...

Perceived Stress, Executive Function, and Stress Regulation: Implications for Middle Schoolers’ Emotional and Behavioral Well-being

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Middle schoolers with or at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) typically have a trajectory of difficult outcomes (e.g., school dropout, incarceration). Growing evidence suggests that the continuum of behavioral competence to challenges is ...

Exploring Differences in Spanish- and English-Speaking Parents’ Experiences With Individualized Education Program Meetings

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
This study aimed to explore the experiences of parents (N= 177; Spanish-speaking and English-speaking parents) of children with disabilities navigating the special education process. This descriptive study collected quantitative and qualitative data ...

Examining the Supply of New Special Educators: Variations by Institutional Characteristics and For-Profit Status

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
U.S. schools have long experienced shortages of special education teachers (SETs), challenging the nation’s capacity to ensure qualified SETs for students eligible for special education services. Addressing SET shortages requires preparation programs ...

Participation in Social and Leisure Activities After High School for Autistic Young Adults

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The transition out of high school brings a myriad of changes including shifts in contexts that impact social and community participation. Previous research indicates that this transition results in disparate social and communication outcomes for autistic ...

Life After High School: The Employment Experiences of Autistic Young Adults

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The present study examined the employment landscape for 129 autistic young adults. Data were collected over multiple waves including high school and early adulthood. Parents participated in interviews and responded to questions regarding young adult ...

Comparing Computer-Assisted and Teacher-Led Instruction for Teaching Emergent Literacy Skills to Chinese Preschoolers With Autism

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Emergent literacy skills are critical for future reading development, but children with autism commonly struggle with these skills. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is increasingly utilized to enhance literacy skills in these children, yet research on ...

Racial and Gender Bias in School Psychologists’ Special Education Classification Considerations

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
For minoritized groups that disproportionately face insufficient access to clinical services, schools are often the most accessible means for formal evaluation and intervention for a range of disabilities. However, the long history of racial and gender ...

“Comfortability Comes From Seeing People Like You in Positions of Power”: Experiences of Special Education Teachers of Color

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
Recruiting and retaining special education teachers, particularly those from historically underrepresented communities, is essential for addressing the ongoing lack of representation in the field and the issues related to the disproportionate ...

Using Point-of-View Video Self-Prompting to Teach Algebra to Secondary Students With High-Incidence Disabilities

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of point-of-view video self-prompting (VSP), with narration, delivered via an iPad, in teaching four secondary students with high-incidence disabilities to solve algebraic equations requiring the use of the ...

Using Asynchronous Training and Emailed Performance Feedback to Change a Teaching Behavior of Preservice Teachers

Remedial and Special Education, Ahead of Print.
The current study used a multiple probe design to determine the effects of an intervention package (asynchronous training plus emailed specific performance feedback) on the rate of opportunities to respond (OTR) of three preservice elementary teachers ...