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Do Mathematics and Reading Skills Impact Student Science Outcomes?

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 58, Issue 2, Page 128-143, March/April 2025.
Establishing validated science programs for students with or at risk for learning disabilities requires testing treatment effects and exploring differential response patterns. This study explored whether students’ initial mathematics and reading skills ...

Impaired Ability in Visual-Spatial Attention in Chinese Children With Developmental Dyslexia

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 58, Issue 2, Page 144-157, March/April 2025.
A growing body of evidence suggests that children with dyslexia in alphabetic languages exhibit visual-spatial attention deficits that can obstruct reading acquisition by impairing their phonological decoding skills. However, it remains an open question ...

Considerations for Intensifying Word-Problem Interventions for Students With MD: A Qualitative Umbrella Review of Relevant Meta-Analyses

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 58, Issue 2, Page 83-111, March/April 2025.
Word problem-solving (WPS) poses a significant challenge for many students, particularly those with mathematics difficulties (MD), hindering their overall mathematical development. To improve WPS proficiency, providing individualized and intensive ...

Comorbid Word Reading and Mathematics Computation Difficulty at Start of First Grade

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 58, Issue 2, Page 112-127, March/April 2025.
The purpose of this analysis was to describe cognitive processes associated with comorbid difficulty between word reading (WR) and mathematics computation (MC) at the start of first grade among children selected for WR and MC delays. A sample of 234 U.S. ...

Vulnerability to Achievement Stressors: More Evidence That Students With Learning Disabilities Require Intensive Intervention

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
In this article, we introduce the termvulnerability to achievement stressors, which refers to differentially low achievement when shifts in the educational environment “stress” or threaten the capacity of an individual or a group of individuals to make ...

Efficacy of Small Group Reading Intervention for Grade 2 and 3 Children With Reading Difficulties: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
We examined whether Phonics + Set for Variability (SfV) reading intervention would lead to better irregular word reading compared to Phonics + Morphology within a cluster randomized control trial (RCT) design with a follow-up measurement. The participants ...

Why Do Parenting Styles Matter? The Relation Between Parenting Styles, Cyberbullying, and Problematic Internet Use Among Children With and Without SLD/ADHD

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
This study focuses on the pervasive issues of cyberbullying and problematic internet use (PIU) among youth, particularly in children with disabilities. To elucidate the role of parents in mitigating these challenges, the study examines the prevalence of ...

The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act: Clarifying the Relationship Between Free Appropriate Public Education and Least Restrictive Environment

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
In 2025, the Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) will have been the primary law driving the field of special education for 50 years. A contentious area of disagreement has been the relationship between two primary mandates of the law: the ...

Language Predictors of Word-Problem Performance Among Third-Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulty

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
We examined how generalized and mathematics-specific language skills predicted the word-problem performance of students with mathematics difficulty. Participants included 325 third-grade students in the southwestern United States who performed at or below ...

Misalignments Between Student Teaching Placements and Initial Teaching Positions: Implications for the Early-Career Attrition of Special Education Teachers

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Graduates of special education teacher education programs can teach in a range of special education settings, raising the potential that their training can occur in very different settings than where they find their first jobs. We follow 263 completers of ...

The Role of Morphology and Sentence Context in Word Processing for Adults With Low Literacy

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Both vocabulary skill and morphological complexity, or whether words can be broken down into root words and affixes, have a significant impact on word processing for adults with low literacy. We investigated the influence of word-level variables of ...

Assessing Beliefs About Intrinsic and Extrinsic Determinants of SLD: Evaluating the Factor Structure of a Novel Instrument

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Schools conduct comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations to identify students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) and determine whether they qualify for special education services. This decision-making process is complex and research has ...

The Prevalence of Specific Learning Difficulties in Higher Education: A Study of UK Universities Across 12 Academic Years

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Specific learning and attention difficulties are often first identified in childhood, but they can cause lifelong academic and occupational challenges. We explored the prevalence of these difficulties and the representation of sex and ethnicity amongst ...

Predicting Adolescent Arithmetic and Reading Dysfluency

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
The long-term negative consequences of learning difficulties have been acknowledged. Nonetheless, research is still scarce regarding the prediction of adolescent difficulties in reading and arithmetic skills. The present study examines at which age phase ...

The Global and Local Patterns of Reading-Related Cognitive and Ecological Variables in Chinese First-Grade Children: A Cross-Sectional Network Analysis

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
In the current study, we tested a network model of reading difficulty by using state-of-the-art psychological network analysis. Four hundred and fifty-three Chinese first-grade children (about 38% female, mean age = 7.00,SD= 0.41) were divided into good ...

Concept-Focused and Procedure-Focused Instruction on the Algebra Performance of Grade 9 Students With and Without Mathematics Difficulty

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Developing both conceptual and procedural knowledge is important for students’ mathematics competence. This study examined whether Grade 9 general education mathematics teachers’ self-reported use of concept-focused instruction (CFI) and procedure-focused ...

Teaching Constant Rate-of-Change Problem-Solving to Secondary Students With or at Risk of Learning Disabilities

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Rate of change (i.e., slope) is a critical mathematics concept for success in everyday life, academics, and professional careers. Students with or at risk of learning disabilities struggle with solving rate-of-change problems, especially word problems. ...

A Family-Based Intervention for Early Elementary Students With Reading and Behavioral Difficulties: A Pilot Study

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
We created and tested a family-based intervention with families of children in Grades 1 and 2 with reading and behavioral difficulties to investigate its impact on text comprehension. Developed with input from parents, reading experts, and behavior ...

Supporting Teachers’ Data-Based Individualization of Early Writing Instruction: An Efficacy Trial

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
In a multiyear, multisite, randomized control trial, we examined the effects of comprehensive professional development designed to support teachers’ data-based instruction (DBI) for students with intensive early writing needs. Teachers (N= 154; primarily ...

Mathematics Achievement in Women With and Without ADHD: Childhood Predictors and Developmental Trajectories Into Adulthood

Journal of Learning Disabilities, Ahead of Print.
Youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often exhibit impairments in mathematics, but long-term math development into adulthood, particularly in females, is underexplored. We characterized trajectories of math achievement in girls with ...