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Transcallosal white matter and cortical gray matter variations in autistic adults aged 30–73 years

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong condition that profoundly impacts health, independence, and quality of life. However, research on brain aging in autistic adults is limited, and microstructural var...

Autistic behavior is a common outcome of biallelic disruption of PDZD8 in humans and mice

Intellectual developmental disorder with autism and dysmorphic facies (IDDADF) is a rare syndromic intellectual disability (ID) caused by homozygous disruption of PDZD8 (PDZ domain-containing protein 8), an in...

Altered interactive dynamics of gaze behavior during face-to-face interaction in autistic individuals: a dual eye-tracking study

Previous eye-tracking research on autistic individuals has mostly examined the gaze behavior of one individual in response to social stimuli presented on a computer screen, suggesting that there is atypical ga...

Understanding depression in autism: the role of subjective perception and anterior cingulate cortex volume

The prevalence of depression is elevated in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared to the general population, yet the reasons for this disparity remain unclear. While social deficits central ...

“What does ‘often’ even mean?” Revising and validating the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory in partnership with autistic people

In this study, we revised the comprehensive autistic trait inventory (CATI)—a self-report inventory of autistic traits, in collaboration with autistic people and provided preliminary evidence for its validity ...

Atypical early neural responses to native and non-native language in infants at high likelihood for developing autism

Language difficulties are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by impairments in social communication as well as restricted and repetitive behaviors. Amongst i...

Evolutionary constrained genes associated with autism spectrum disorder across 2,054 nonhuman primate genomes

Significant progress has been made in elucidating the genetic underpinnings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of the link between genomics, neuro...

The preference for surprise in reinforcement learning underlies the differences in developmental changes in risk preference between autistic and neurotypical youth

Risk preference changes nonlinearly across development. Although extensive developmental research on the neurotypical (NTP) population has shown that risk preference is highest during adolescence, developmenta...