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How to Produce, Identify, and Motivate Robust Psychological Science: A Roadmap and a Response to Vize et al.

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 244-252, March 2025.
Some wish to mandate preregistration as a response to the replication crisis, while I and others caution that such mandates inadvertently cause harm and distract from more critical reforms. In this article, after briefly critiquing a recently published ...

The Effect of Different Construct Operationalizations, Study Duration, and Preprocessing Choices on Power-Based Sample Size Recommendations in Intensive Longitudinal Research

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 206-223, March 2025.
To shed light on the dynamics of psychological processes, researchers often collect intensive longitudinal (IL) data by asking people to repeatedly report on their momentary experiences in daily life. Two important decisions when designing an IL study ...

Good Fit Is Weak Evidence of Replication: Increasing Rigor Through Prior Predictive Similarity Checking

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 170-189, March 2025.
Replication provides a confrontation of psychological theory, not only in experimental research, but also in model-based research. Goodness of fit (GOF) of the original model to the replication data is routinely provided as meaningful evidence of ...

Campbell’s Law Explains the Replication Crisis: Pre-Registration Badges Are History Repeating

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 224-234, March 2025.
Campbell’s Law explains the replication crisis. In brief, useful tools such as hypotheses,p-values, and multi-study designs came to be viewed as indicators of strong science, and thus goals in and of themselves. Consequently, their use became distorted ...

On the Use and Misuses of Preregistration: A Reply to Klonsky (2024)

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 235-243, March 2025.
In his commentary, Klonsky outlines several arguments for why preregistration mandates (PRMs) will have a negative impact on the field. Klonsky’s overarching concern is that when preregistration ceases to be a tool for research and becomes an indicator of ...

Examining the Structure of Personality Dysfunction Among Individuals Involved in Mental Health treatment: A Registered Report

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 283-299, March 2025.
Personality dysfunction is a core element of the diagnosis of personality disorders in both main diagnostic systems (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders[5th ed.] Personality Disorders andICD-11[International Classification of Diseases,...

Portable Touchscreen Assessment of Motor Skill: A Registered Report of the Reliability and Validity of EDNA MoTap

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 269-282, March 2025.
Portable and flexible administration of manual dexterity assessments is necessary to monitor recovery from brain injury and the effects of interventions across clinic and home settings, especially when in-person testing is not possible or convenient. This ...

Interpersonal Problem Profiles of Personality and Psychopathology Constructs in Chinese Undergraduates and Offenders

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 253-268, March 2025.
The interpersonal problem circumplex is extensively used in the field as an assessment framework for understanding the interpersonal implications of a range of personality and psychopathology constructs. The vast majority of this large literature has been ...

Visualizemi: Visualization, Effect Size, and Replication of Measurement Invariance for Registered Reports

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 190-205, March 2025.
Latent variable modeling as a lens for psychometric theory is a popular tool for social scientists to examine measurement of constructs. Journals, such asAssessmentregularly publish articles supporting measures of latent constructs wherein a measurement ...

From Confirmation to Theory: Introduction to the Special Section on “Assessment, Measurement, and Registered Replication”

Assessment, Volume 32, Issue 2, Page 167-169, March 2025.
The goal of this special section was to encourage discussion about replication in assessment science, as well as the use and development of registered replication and open science more broadly. The contributions span a range of topics, from the ...

Further Validation of the Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire in the Italian Context: Results From Classical and Modern Test Theory

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire (PIQ) is a valuable instrument to measure persecutory ideation. The aim of this study is to validate the scale in the Italian context and to extend the study of its psychometric properties using approaches from both ...

Evaluating the factor structure and measurement invariance of the 20-item short version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale across multiple countries, languages, and gender identities

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Model and the various psychometric instruments developed and validated based on this model are well established in clinical and research settings. However, evidence regarding the psychometric validity, reliability, and ...

Examining the Criterion and Incremental Validity of the MMPI-3 Impulsivity Scale

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) includes a new Impulsivity (IMP) scale designed to assess for poor impulse-control and non-planful behavior, which was added to broaden the utility of the instrument. The current study aimed to ...

Measurement Invariance of the Four-Item Entrapment Scale Short-Form (E-SF): A Transnational Examination Across Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Suicide Attempt History Among Minoritized Adults

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Feelings of entrapment—posited to arise when attempts to escape from defeating or humiliating circumstances are blocked—may confer increased risk for psychopathology and suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB), particularly among minoritized individuals who ...

Convergent Validity of Experimental Cognitive Tests in a Large Community Sample

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Experimental cognitive tests are designed to measure particular cognitive domains, although evidence supporting test validity is often limited. The Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics test battery administered 23 experimental and traditional ...

Gritty Parenting: The Development and Validation of the Parental Grit Scale

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
In this study, we aimed to expand the domain specificity of grit by exploring it in the realm of parenting. Parental grit was defined as parents’ inclination to demonstrate perseverance, sustained passion, and adaptability in pursuing long-term parenting ...

A Taxometric Analysis and External Validation of the Latent Structure of Student Risks and Needs

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The present study applied taxometric analyses to the Washington Assessment of Risks and Needs of Students (WARNS)—an instrument designed to assess multiple domains of functioning related to justice system involvement arising from school disengagement—a ...

Response Rates, Reliability, and Convergent Validity in Experience Sampling Data

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
This study examined associations of compliance rate with the reliability and convergent validity of intoxication and negative affect assessments in experience sampling method (ESM) data in three samples (Veterans, Sexual Minority Men, and College Students)...

Item Response Theory Analysis and Differential Item Functioning of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
This study examined the item- and scale-level functioning of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (SAAS) as well as differential functioning by gender using an item response theory (IRT) analysis. SAAS data collected from 840 college students were ...

Cross-National Validation of the WHO-5 Well-Being Index Within Adolescent Populations: Findings From 43 Countries

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The five-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) is among the most frequently used brief standard measures to assess hedonic well-being. Numerous studies have investigated different facets of its psychometric properties in adult ...

Psychometric Properties of the Flourish Index and the Secure Flourish Index in Healthcare Settings

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Research on the construct of flourishing spans many fields of study. This study extends previous work by VanderWeele by investigating the measurement of flourishing, focusing on the structure and convergent validity of the Flourish Index (FI) and the ...

Development of an Examiner–Examinee Rapport Scale for Neuropsychological Testing: The Barnett Rapport Questionnaire – 2

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Rapport in the context of neuropsychological assessment refers to the interpersonal interaction between the examinee and examiner. The purpose of this study was to improve upon the original Barnett Rapport Questionnaire. Participants consisted of college ...

The Structural Validity of the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale-Short Form Among College Students Who Drink Alcohol

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS) is a multidimensional measure of executive functioning (EF). Yet, no work has validated the 20-item BDEFS short form (BDEFS-SF) among individuals at risk of EF deficits, including college ...

Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of the ASEBA Youth/Adult Self-Reports Across the Transition From Adolescence to Adulthood

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The ability to quantify within-person changes in mental health is central to the mission of clinical psychology. Typically, this is done using total or mean scores on symptom measures; however, this approach assumes that measures quantify the same ...

Testing the Impact of Variations in Administration on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Self-report measures are useful in psychological research and practice, but scores may be impacted by administration methods. This study investigated whether changing the recall period (from 30 to 7 days) and response option order (from ascending to ...

Assessing Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Skills in Just a Few Minutes: 96-, 45-, and 20-Item Short Forms of the BESSI

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) skills matter for individuals’ well-being and success. The behavioral, emotional, and social skills inventory (BESSI) uses 192 items to assess 32 specific SEB skills across five broad skill domains. This research ...

Though Forced, Still Valid: Examining the Psychometric Performance of Forced-Choice Measurement of Personality in Children and Adolescents

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Unveiling the roles personality plays during childhood and adolescence necessitates its accurate measurement, commonly using traditional Likert-type (LK) scales. However, this format is susceptible to various response biases, which can be particularly ...

Measuring Children’s Reward and Punishment Sensitivity: An Initial Psychometric Evaluation of the Contingency Response Rating Scale

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Existing research shows that children’s responses to rewards and punishments are essential for understanding attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and callous-unemotional traits. The present study ...

Psychometric Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability of MoCA in American Indian Adults: The Strong Heart Study

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Standardized neuropsychological instruments are used to evaluate cognitive impairment, but few have been psychometrically evaluated in American Indians. We collected Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in 403 American Indians 70 to 95 years, as well as ...

Continuous Norming Approaches: A Systematic Review and Real Data Example

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Norming of psychological tests is decisive for test score interpretation. However, conventional norming based on subgroups results either in biases or require very large samples to gather precise norms. Continuous norming methods, namely inferential, semi-...

Validation of the Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder Assessment (RADA): A DSM-5 Semistructured Interview

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Very few empirically validated tools exist for assessing reactive attachment disorder (RAD) and disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED). The RAD and DSED assessment interview (RADA), a semistructured diagnostic interview, was updated in 2018 from ...

Mabrouk’s Measure of Adolescent Optimism: Development and Validation of a New Scale of Adolescent Optimism

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Several measures of adolescent optimism exist. However, none of these measures have been developed in the African setting, and only a few of the available measures have been validated for use in this setting. We aimed to develop and validate a culturally ...

Understanding the Within- and Between-Person Structure of Daily Psychopathology Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Previous investigations on the underlying structure of psychopathology symptoms primarily focused at the between-person level and among adult samples. This study used two independent Canadian samples with month-long daily diary designs to investigate ...

Psychometric Evaluation of Cognitive and Positive Valence Tasks Chosen for the NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative seeks to utilize multidimensional patterns of socio-cognitive behavior to improve understanding of mental illness. We aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of a subset of RDoC tasks. Specifically,...

Investigating the Functioning of Rating Scales With Rasch Models

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The hypothesis implicit in the rating scale design is that the categories reflect increasing levels of the latent variable. Rasch models for ordered polytomous items include parameters, called thresholds, that allow for empirically testing this ...

Introducing Diagnostic Classification Modeling as an Unsupervised Method for Screening Probable Eating Disorders

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
Screening for eating disorders (EDs) is an essential part of the prevention and intervention of EDs. Traditional screening methods mostly rely on predefined cutoff scores which have limitations of generalizability and may produce biased results when the ...

Exploring Potential Ethnic Bias Among MMPI-3 Scales in Assessing Personality Psychopathology

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
This study examined statistical bias in the measurement of personality psychopathology in the Latinx population using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3). Data were extracted from two studies that yielded a composite data set of 103 ...

Dimensions of Depressive Symptoms in Young Children: Factor Analysis of the Preschool Feelings Checklist–Scale

Assessment, Ahead of Print.
The current study is an investigation of the dimensionality of the Preschool Feelings Checklist–Scale (PFC-S), a caregiver-report questionnaire of early childhood depressive symptom severity. Caregivers of 450 young children, ages 3–8 years (M= 5.62,SD=...