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“It takes a village”: An ecological analysis of social and emotional learning environments in Malawi

School Psychology International, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 4-20, February 2025.
Socially and emotionally competent children thrive in school and life. Crucial to this success is integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) across their developmental ecology, from homes, schools, and communities to society. This case study draws on ...

Perceived teacher expectations and the academic engagement of junior high school students in rural China: The role of academic self-efficacy

School Psychology International, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 51-67, February 2025.
The “Rosenthal effect” occurs when teachers’ expectations are positively correlated with students’ academic behaviors and performance. However, it is necessary to explore the specific relationship with academic engagement in terms of students’ perceived ...

Bullying victimization and psychological adjustment in Chinese students: The mediating role of teacher–student relationships

School Psychology International, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 68-89, February 2025.
The association between the quality of teacher–student relationships and children's psychological adjustment has been mainly studied in Western countries; however, this research topic is gaining more interest in Eastern countries. Based on attachment ...

Maternal/paternal helicopter parenting and school adjustment in adolescents: The mediating roles of internal and external academic locus of control

School Psychology International, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 90-111, February 2025.
There is little evidence regarding the impact of helicopter parenting (HP) on adolescents’ school adjustment (SA). This study examined gender differences in maternal/paternal HP, internal/external academic locus of control (ALC) and SA, and the mediating ...

School psychology in Italy: A mixed-method study of actual and desired roles and functions

School Psychology International, Volume 46, Issue 1, Page 21-50, February 2025.
Investigating the scope of international school psychology practices may promote and influence the globalization of the profession. Although some extant studies assessed the presence and functions of school psychologists internationally, little research ...

Examining the relationship between acceptance of diversity and school safety: The roles of peers and teachers in a Canadian context

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Attention to diversity in classrooms has become more prominent in recent years. Unfortunately, research shows that diverse students feel relatively unsafe and unprotected in schools compared to their peers. Perceptions of peer and adult acceptance of ...

Understanding and addressing the underutilization of school-based mental health services among Korean immigrant adolescents

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
This ethnographic case study investigates the underutilization of school-based mental health services among Korean immigrant adolescents in the United States. Drawing on the Mental Health Belief Model, the study examines how Korean immigrant adolescents ...

A qualitative investigation of how UK-based educational psychologists use a cognitive behavioral therapy workbook with young people

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
The “workbook” is an underexplored concept in the literature of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Unlike manuals, workbooks provide resources without prescribing standardized procedures for practitioners to follow, potentially allowing for greater ...

Practitioner psychologists as policy advocates, or policy as outside of our scope? Experiences and views of training in school and counseling psychology

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Building on an increasing emphasis on social justice, recent writing has focused on practitioner psychologists’ policy advocacy. Research indicates that school and counseling psychologists experience policy work as rewarding and challenging, and it has ...

Dyadic mechanisms of effect in home–school consultation: Evidence from two school-based consultation models

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
The United States educational system struggles to provide supportive services as rates of autism spectrum disorder rise. Teachers face challenges inshared decision-makingwith caregivers for developing high-quality intervention plans tailored to the ...

Teacher acceptability of instructional supports in science for multilingual learners

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Addressing language barriers during instruction is critical for improving content area learning and achievement within classrooms with students from different native language backgrounds. Although several instructional supports have been highlighted in ...

Bridging the gap: A narrative synthesis of interventions promoting gender equality in schools in India

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Global gender inequality is a persistent challenge, and India grapples with gender disparities in various realms. Targeted initiatives are essential, particularly during adolescents’ formative years, to promote gender equity. Research on gender attitudes ...

Relationship between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms among early adolescents in rural China: Exploring the overgeneralization of social distrust in cross-sectional and longitudinal designs

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
This study investigated the underlying mechanism between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms via social trust cross-sectionally and longitudinally among 4,548 early adolescents at T1 and 4,484 adolescents at T2 from rural areas in Guizhou, ...

Different parental rearing behaviors and depressive symptoms of adolescents: Roles of psychological insecurity and core self-evaluations

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Depression is the second most common mental disorder among adolescents worldwide. From the perspectives of emotional security theory and interpersonal acceptance–rejection theory, parental rearing behaviors impact adolescents’ depressive symptoms. The ...

How is research disseminated, accessed, and utilised in Irish schools?

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
In Ireland, as elsewhere, there has been growing recognition around the importance of using research evidence to inform educational policy and practice at both a national government and individual school level. Despite such importance, there is currently ...

Examining bilingual school psychologist demographics, training experiences, and multicultural competencies

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
The number of emergent bilingual (EB) students in U.S. schools is growing rapidly; as a result, many have explicitly looked to bilingual school psychologists (BSPs) to meet their needs. Often, there is an assumption that being bilingual also equips one ...

Inclusive horizons: School psychologists’ efficacy profiles in inclusive education

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
School psychology practice is evolving toward embracing inclusive education as a barrier-removing process. This transition emphasizes equity and collaboration, shifting from conventional individual-focused approaches to a broader ecological framework. In ...

Adolescents' satisfaction with academic achievement and the development of psychological resources: The moderating role of parental satisfaction

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Although a positive association between students' satisfaction with academic achievement and psychological well-being has been well-documented, less is known about whether this association is moderated by parental satisfaction with children's academic ...

Adolescents' satisfaction with academic achievement and the development of psychological resources: The moderating role of parental satisfaction

School Psychology International, Ahead of Print.
Although a positive association between students' satisfaction with academic achievement and psychological well-being has been well-documented, less is known about whether this association is moderated by parental satisfaction with children's academic achievement. The objective of this study is to address this knowledge gap. This study utilized data from Wave 1 (2018) to Wave 3 (2020) of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2018 (KCYPS 2018), comprising a sample of 3,871 students from Grades 4 and 7. Children's and parents' satisfaction with academic achievement were considered as key independent variables. Psychological outcomes included depressive symptoms, life satisfaction, and self-esteem. Fixed effects models were estimated to account for unobserved time-invariant confounding factors. Children's satisfaction with academic achievement was significantly associated with a decrease in depressive symptoms (b = −0.398) and an increase in life satisfaction (b = 0.593) and self-esteem (b = 0.643). The interaction model revealed that the association between students' satisfaction with academic achievement and psychological outcomes is strengthened when parental satisfaction is higher. Efforts to foster a positive attitude toward academic achievement in both students and parents can enhance adolescents' psychological well-being. Interactive communication between parents and children regarding academic achievement will be required.