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Artificial Intelligence to Support Writing Outcomes for Students With Disabilities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Students with and without disabilities consistently fail to meet established writing benchmarks, highlighting the urgent need for intervention and innovation in this critical area. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), key ...

The Effects of Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives on Solving Algebraic Equations in Students With Disabilities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 104-116, March 2025.
An alternating treatments design was used to analyze the effects of concrete and virtual manipulatives on the duration and number of correctly solved linear equations by three middle school students with cognitive disabilities. Participants physically ...

Do Computer-Based Accommodations Matter? An Evaluation of Bundled Accommodations for Secondary Students With Mild Intellectual Disabilities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 79-90, March 2025.
Objectives:To investigate the effectiveness of accommodation policies and teaching practices for secondary students with mild intellectual disabilities, the present study compared the probability that the secondary school accommodated students- if they ...

Using Visual Scene Displays With Young Children: An Evidence-Based Practice Synthesis

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 91-103, March 2025.
We used the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Standards for evidence-based practices (EBP) in Special Education to evaluate the effectiveness research on the use of visual scene displays (VSDs) and video VSDs with young children with autism spectrum ...

SocialTICTEA, a Technology-Based Social Skills Programme: Impact and Generalisation of Learning in Students With Autism

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 50-64, March 2025.
The generalisation of learning is one of the main elements to take into account when carrying out an educational intervention. This process involves certain difficulties for the population with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this sense, the aim of the ...

Fostering Autonomy: A Technology-Aided Check-In/Check-Out Intervention for Online High School Students With Autism

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 13-27, March 2025.
Many students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) encounter difficulties related to self-management, which subsequently hinder their capacity to actively engage in online learning. As the enrollment of students with ASD in online education ...

A Comparison of Role-play v. Mixed-Reality Simulation on Pre-Service Teachers’ Behavior Management Practices

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 28-38, March 2025.
Students with disabilities are being educated in the general education setting at an ever-increasing rate; therefore, it becomes imperative that educator preparation programs ensure that pre-service teachers are equipped to meet the needs of all students. ...

Mixed-Reality Simulation to Prepare Preservice Teachers to Use Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies: A Pilot Study

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 65-78, March 2025.
By 2031, culturally and linguistically diverse students will represent approximately 55% of students enrolled in United States public schools (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2023). Despite increased ethnic diversity among students, most ...

Fostering Inference-Making Through Video-Based Technology in Young Children With Early Reading Difficulties

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 117-126, March 2025.
Successful comprehension is only possible when children draw inferences about ideas implicit or missing in discourse. Supporting inference-making with explicit instruction must start early given its importance in comprehension and knowledge development. ...

Evaluating the Impact of a Kiosk Education App Intervention on Students With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 3-12, March 2025.
The use of non-face-to-face services and kiosks has expanded due to the development of information and communication technology and accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. In South Korea, the use of self-service kiosks has grown to about four times pre-...

Electronic Newsletters as a Professional Development Tool for Rural Educators

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Rural educators need access to evidence-based instructional practices and technologies that meet the needs of our communities. Difficulty accessing quality professional development due to geographic isolation, limited access to specialists, cost ...

Universal Design Element Utilization and Mathematics Performance: Implications for Diverse Student Populations

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
This empirical research study investigates the relationship between the utilization of Universal Design (UD) elements and math performance among eighth graders. We analyzed 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress process data using Poisson ...

An approach of designing a child-height-assisted robot with semi-autonomous enhances social reciprocity for children with autism spectrum disorders

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often face significant challenges in social reciprocity, which involves the mutual exchange of social cues and interactions. This study investigates the potential of using a child-height assistive robot ...

A Systematic Review of Point-of-View Video Prompting to Teach Daily Living Skills to Individuals With Autism

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
The acquisition of daily living skills (DLS) represents an important component in establishing independence and increasing the quality of life for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Video prompting has become a popular intervention to ...

PEERS® for School-Based Professionals via Zoom as a Pre-Employment Transition Service

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Previous research has shown that conversational language predicts vocational independence and friendship development. This study investigated the efficacy of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) for School-Based ...

Collaboration in Action: A Comparison of Mixed Reality Simulation and Live Role-Play

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
More than two-thirds of students with disabilities spend 80% or more of their school day in general education classes. To maximize student success, collaborations among educators (general and special education teachers) and between educators and ...

Using Enhanced Anchored Instruction in Diverse Math Classrooms

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Students with disabilities often face significant challenges in developing mathematical problem-solving skills, which are critical for academic success. Traditional problem-solving interventions have primarily focused on skill acquisition, leading to ...

Using Self-Instruction via Video Activity Schedules to Decrease Reliance on Adult Prompts for Students With an Intellectual Disability

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
The purpose of this study was to compare the differential effects of mobile assistive technology (AT) loaded with visual activity schedules (VAS; pictures alone) compared to video activity schedules (VidAS; pictures linked to video models) to promote ...

Integrating New Instructional Assistive Technology to Support Academic and Behavioural Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Assistive Technology can be a highly effective tool in supporting students with Learning Disabilities (LD) in addressing foundational academic skill gaps as part of academic and behavioural one-to-one instruction. However, there are barriers to ...

In-Service Educators’ Changes in Reasoning About Technology Integration

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
We aimed to capture reflections of in-service educators’ understanding of the use of technology in teaching, after receiving instruction on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Triple-E technology integration frameworks. Our objectives were to ...

Digital Pencil Usage and Mathematics Performance Among Students with Learning Disabilities and Their General Education Peers

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
This investigation explores the relationship between the use of digital pencil and mathematical problem-solving accuracy among 1,530 students with learning disabilities (LD) and 25,400 general education (GE) peers from the 2017 digital National Assessment ...

The Effect of Browser-Based 360°VR on the Science Achievement Gap Between Students with and Without Disabilities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
The ongoing science achievement gap between students with and without disabilities affects informed citizenry and job opportunities. This study explored the impact of extended reality (XR) in inclusive 9th-grade biology classrooms using browser-based 360° ...

Beyond Regulated Writing: The Effects of Self-Regulation Procedures Enhanced With Technology on Informative Writing of Kuwaiti Adolescents With ASD

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
This research exploration sought to investigate the effects of self-regulated strategy development (SRSD), enhanced with the use of tablets (iPads), on the informative writing performance of Kuwaiti, English as a Second Language (ESL) adolescents with ...

The Feasibility of Technology to Support Data-Driven Decision Making in Early Head Start Classrooms

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Educators have struggled to implement research-based practices effectively, particularly in early childhood settings where data-driven decision making (DDDM) is important for guiding practice. Implementation of DDDM is hindered by a lack of progress ...

Technology and Rural Special Education Research: Challenges and Opportunities

Journal of Special Education Technology, Ahead of Print.
Rural communities are facing unprecedented challenges, including continued ramifications from educational losses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, increases in mental health needs with decreasing access to resources, and increasing poverty and ...