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Do the Special Education Regulations in States Requiring RtI for SLD Identification Include or Omit Intervention Fidelity?

Learning Disability Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, Page 26-36, February 2025.
This study examined intervention fidelity (IF) and the extent to which this essential feature of response to intervention (RtI) was included within artifacts (laws and guidance documents) for states requiring RtI for specific learning disability (SLD) ...

Students With LD and Decision Making for After High School: Emotions and Basic Psychological Needs

Learning Disability Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, Page 51-63, February 2025.
Little is known about how grade 12 students with learning disabilities (LD) face the complex and emotional task of deciding what to do after high school. To expand on current research, we explored the experiences, emotions, and support of Canadian ...

Academic Achievement and Engagement During the Transition to Middle Childhood: Comparisons by Learning Disability Status

Learning Disability Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, Page 37-50, February 2025.
Engagement and academic achievement are generally correlated among elementary school students without learning disabilities (LDs). However, it is unclear if this pattern holds for students with LDs, who have lower achievement and engagement than their ...

Parental Allyship for Children With Dyslexia: A Conceptual Lens on Disability Experience

Learning Disability Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, Page 3-12, February 2025.
Current understandings of disability experience are centered around individuals who hold the disability identity and membership in the marginalized group. This perspective does not include the experiences of disability allies, such as parents, who act ...

Development of Education Policies and Practices for Students With Learning Disabilities in South Korea Using Delphi Surveys and Topic Modeling

Learning Disability Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, Page 13-25, February 2025.
There have been ongoing issues surrounding students with learning disabilities across different countries and cultures, including South Korea. This study aims to propose future education policies and practices for students with learning disabilities using ...

The Relation Between Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Competence for Students With Versus Without Mathematics Learning Difficulties

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
This study is a secondary analysis of the data collected in a randomized control trial study with sixth graders with mathematics learning difficulties (MLDs). We explored the relation between mathematics anxiety and mathematics performance for students ...

Experienced Protective Factors While Growing up With Reading Disability

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
We studied lifelong factors that were experienced as protective by 48 Finnish adults (20–39 years) whose reading disability (RD) was diagnosed in childhood. Our aim was to gain a better understanding of the factors that can help individuals live with RD. ...

Measuring Reading Comprehension Processes of Students With and Without Reading Difficulties Through Eye Movement

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
In this study, we examined the differences in reading comprehension processes between students with and without reading difficulties. A total of 72 third- and fourth-grade students in South Korea participated in the study; of these, 28 were identified as ...

Effect of the Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction on Reading Comprehension and Self-Determination Skills of Students With Learning Disabilities

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Reading interventions focusing on self-determination can effectively improve the academic performance of students with learning disabilities (LD). This study investigated the effects of a multicomponent reading comprehension strategy intervention, which ...

The Effects of Using Length Models to Teach Fraction and Decimal Translation

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Competence with rational numbers is essential for mathematics proficiency in secondary mathematics. However, many students struggle with rational number concepts, and students with mathematics difficulties struggle even more. The purpose of this study was ...

A Social and Emotional Learning Survey for Students With Learning Disabilities: Reliability and Validity Analyses

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Although many social–emotional learning (SEL) surveys exist for the general student population, students with learning disabilities (SwLD) are often excluded during the survey development process, and the current SEL surveys often overlook critical SEL ...

Effects of Schematic Chunking Intervention on Enhancing Geometry Performance in High School Students With Geometry Learning Difficulties

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Geometry education is an important aspect of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, but it is often overlooked in K–12 education in the United States. Chunking strategy reduces the cognitive load demanded in the processing of ...

Registered Reports in Learning Disabilities Research: An Introduction to the Special Series

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Registered Reports are a novel approach to empirical publication that involve two stages of peer review: one before a study is conducted (of prospective Introduction and Method sections), and one after the study is conducted and fully written up. In this ...

How Keywords Impact Word-Problem Performance: When “More” Does Not Mean to Add

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Although students are often taught to look for keywords when solving word problems, this strategy is erroneous. It is especially problematic when students solveinconsistentword problems that include a relational term, such asmorebut are not solved ...

Introduction to a Special Series on Single Research Case Design: Information for Peer Reviewers and Researchers Designing Behavioral Interventions for Students With SLD

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
This article introduces and describes the two articles that are part of the thematic special series on investigating research questions to improve services for students with specific learning disabilities using single-case research design. The issue ...

Effect of an SRSD Informative Writing Intervention for High Schoolers With Learning Disabilities

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
The ability to write informatively is a skill not only required by the Common Core State Standards but is also essential for preparing students to be successful in college. The purpose of this exploratory study was to evaluate the effects of a self-...

Initial Efficacy of a Decimal Vocabulary Intervention for Students With Mathematics Difficulty in Grade 5

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
The purpose of this study was to determine the initial efficacy of a decimal vocabulary intervention for Grade 5 students with mathematics difficulty (MD) and to explore its impact on decimal arithmetic performance. We employed a nonconcurrent multiple-...

Partitioning Influences on SLD Decision Outcomes and Confidence: School Psychologists’ Decision-Making Style, Beliefs, and Sociodemographic Characteristics

Learning Disability Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
Despite the importance of reliable, valid, and equitable identification of students with specific learning disabilities (SLD), research has highlighted the potential for school psychologists’ personal characteristics to influence the identification ...