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Audiovisual Perception of Lexical Stress: Beat Gestures and Articulatory Cues

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 181-203, March 2025.
Human communication is inherently multimodal. Auditory speech, but also visual cues can be used to understand another talker. Most studies of audiovisual speech perception have focused on the perception of speech segments (i.e., speech sounds). However, ...

Incorporating Frequency Effects in the Lexical Access of Mandarin Tone 3 Sandhi

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 204-228, March 2025.
Mandarin tone 3 sandhi refers to the phenomenon whereby a tone 3 syllable changes to a tone 2 when followed by another tone 3. This phonological process creates a deviation between the tonal forms realized at morphemic (/tone3—tone3/) and word ([tone2—...

English Speakers’ Perception of Non-native Vowel Contrasts in Adverse Listening Conditions: A Discrimination Study on the German Front Rounded Vowels /y/ and /ø/

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 162-180, March 2025.
Previous research has shown that it is difficult for English speakers to distinguish the front rounded vowels /y/ and /ø/ from the back rounded vowels /u/ and /o/. In this study, we examine the effect of noise on this perceptual difficulty. In an Oddity ...

Investigating Linguistic Alignment in Collaborative Dialogue: A Study of Syntactic and Lexical Patterns in Middle School Students

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 63-86, March 2025.
Linguistic alignment, the tendency of speakers to share common linguistic features during conversations, has emerged as a key area of research in computer-supported collaborative learning. While previous studies have shown that linguistic alignment can ...

Rhythm Is a Marker of Ethnicity in Modern Hebrew: Evidence from a Perception Study and Actors’ Ethnicized Portrayals

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 100-117, March 2025.
In Modern Hebrew, only three segmental markers are typically acknowledged as ethnically conditioned, and usage of these markers has significantly decreased in second and third generation speakers. Yet the sociolinguistic situation of diverging language ...

The “Starting-Small” Effect in Phonology: Evidence From Biased Learning of Opaque and Transparent Vowel Harmony

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 3-35, March 2025.
The starting-small effect is a cognitive advantage in language acquisition when learners begin by generalizing on regularities from structurally simple and shorter tokens in a skewed input distribution. Our study explored this effect as a potential ...

Speech Fluency Production and Perception in L1 (Slovak) and L2 (English) Read Speech

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 36-62, March 2025.
Research on fluency in native (L1) and non-native (L2) speech production and perception helps us understand how individual L1 speaking style might affect perceived L2 fluency and how this relationship might be reflected in L1 versus L2 oral assessment. ...

Impact of Japanese L1 Rhythm on English L2 Speech

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 118-140, March 2025.
The study aimed to examine whether L1 speech rhythm affects L2 speech by assessing how the speech rhythm of Japanese L2 English speakers differed from native speakers. We chose Japanese and English because they differ markedly in the phonological ...

Language Dependency of /s/ Production: Native Dutch Versus Non-Native English

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 87-99, March 2025.
With forensic recordings being collected in multiple languages increasingly often, this study investigates the language dependency of the voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ in speakers of native (L1) Dutch and non-native (L2) English. Due to phonetic ...

Effects of Speaking Rate Changes on Speech Motor Variability in Adults

Language and Speech, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 141-161, March 2025.
The relationship between speaking rate and speech motor variability was examined in three groups of neurotypical adults,n= 40; 15 young adults (18–30 years), 13 adults (31–40 years), and 12 middle-aged adults (41–50 years). Participants completed a ...

Pronunciation of Vowel Digraphs in Nonwords: A Replication and Extension

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
In English, the pronunciation of a vowel digraph can vary; for example,eais pronounced /ɛ/ inbreadbut /i/ inbeachand /eɪ/ inbreak. We investigated participant-level effects on the pronunciation of ambiguous vowel digraphs in nonwords (e.g.,yeath) ...

The Effects of Phonological Complexity on Word Production in French-Speaking Children

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
Word complexity indices, such as the Index of Phonetic Complexity (IPC) and the Word Complexity Measure (WCM), code a word in terms of featural and structural properties that pose difficulty in phonological development. Studies have investigated the ...

Bilinguals from Larynx to Lips: Exploring Bilingual Articulatory Strategies with Anatomic MRI Data

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
The goal of this article is to illustrate the use of MRI for exploring bi- and multi-lingual articulatory strategies. One male and one female speaker recorded sets of static midsagittal MRIs of the whole vocal tract, producing vowels as well as consonants ...

Acoustic and Articulatory Visual Feedback in Classroom L2 Vowel Remediation

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
This paper presents L2 vowel remediation in a classroom setting via two real-time visual feedback methods: articulatory ultrasound tongue imaging, which shows tongue shape and position, and a newly developed acoustic formant analyzer, which visualizes a ...

Incidental Learning of Collocations Under Different Input Modes and the Mediating Role of Perceptual Learning Style

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
This study investigated how input modes (reading vs. listening) and learners’ perceptual learning style (visual vs. auditory) affected the incidental learning of collocations. A total of 182 college students were first assigned to either a visual or ...

The Case for a Quantitative Approach to the Study of Nonnative Accent Features

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
Research with nonnative speech spans many different linguistic branches and topics. Most studies include one or a few well-known features of a particular accent. However, due to a lack of empirical studies, little is known about how common these features ...

Segmental Influences on the Perception of High Pitch Accent Scaling in American English

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
Researchers investigating a broad array of questions in spoken language prosody routinely base their arguments on measurements taken from the F0 contours of representative speech samples. These analyses, however, frequently involve abstracting F0 contours ...

Importance of Visual Support Through Lipreading in the Identification of Words in Spanish Language

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
We sought to examine the contribution of visual cues, such as lipreading, in the identification of familiar (words) and unfamiliar (phonemes) words in terms of percent accuracy. For that purpose, in this retrospective study, we presented lists of words ...

Increased Breathiness in Adolescent Kiezdeutsch Speakers: A Marker of Multiethnolectal Group Affiliation?

Language and Speech, Ahead of Print.
Kiezdeutsch is a multiethnolectal variety of German spoken by young people from multicultural communities that exhibits lexical, syntactic, and phonetic differences from standard German. A rather salient and pervasive feature of this variety is the ...