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Yesterday — 8 March 2025tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Suggestibility to additive versus contradictory misinformation: effects of visual and auditory post-event information
Before yesterdaytandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Sentences with non-canonical word order—easy to interpret but hard to remember
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Healthy eating information and its impact on food decision-making among college students
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- On a creativity that is mundane, cooperative, and material
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- The role of outer/inner letters and eccentricity in word recognition: evidence from two flanker lexical decision tasks
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- The bilingual prospective memory advantage and executive control dynamics
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Effect of post-encoding arousal on memory for words differing in priority: a test of the arousal-biased competition theory
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- How learning material shapes learning strategies in an alphabet arithmetic task
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Primary task demands modulate background speech disruption during reading of Chinese tongue twisters: an eye-tracking study
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Meeting and missing minds: children and adults use alignment of intuitions to solve pure coordination games
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Primed into security: can attachment security priming affect attachment-related biases on early attention?
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Accurate in presence and inefficient in absence: how the presence of criminal evidence affects legal judgements
Creativity: definitions and computability
16 January 2025 at 01:17
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- Sharing traumatic experiences: earlier denial increases endorsement of misinformation from a co-witness
tandf: Journal of Cognitive Psychology: Table of Contents
- The ruminative cycle in smokers: on the relationship between cigarette smoking behaviour, rumination, difficulties in thought suppression, and emotion regulation