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Before yesterdayAmerican Educational Research Association: Educational Researcher: Table of Contents

Effects of an Infant/Toddler Intervention at 1-Year Follow-Up: Sustained Impacts to Preschool Entry

Educational Researcher, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 21-33, January/February 2025.
We Learn Together is a 20-week, low-cost infant/toddler school-readiness intervention developed to provide instructional content and supportive tools for teachers to be more explicit and intentional in interactions with children to support early ...

Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher? A Natural Language Processing Approach

Educational Researcher, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 7-20, January/February 2025.
Heightened concerns about the health of the teaching profession highlight the importance of studying the early teacher pipeline. This exploratory, descriptive article examines preservice teachers’ expressed motivation for pursuing a teaching career. Using ...

Do Teachers With Absent Students Feel Less Job Satisfaction?

Educational Researcher, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 34-45, January/February 2025.
Research and policy have focused predominantly on the individual consequences for students who miss school. Yet absenteeism does not occur in a vacuum, and less work has focused on how student absenteeism correlates to classroom dynamics. Practically no ...

An Overlooked Explanation for Increasing Suicidality: LGBQ Stressors Felt by More Students

Educational Researcher, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 56-60, January/February 2025.
Recent data show rising suicidality among high school girls. We posit this increase may be related to an overlooked factor: more girls identifying as LGBQ. Using four cohorts of national Youth Risk Behavior Survey data (N= 22,562 females,N= 22,130 ...

Antiblackness as Global Aspiration? Centering Black Studies in Global Higher Education Research

Educational Researcher, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 46-55, January/February 2025.
Although education researchers have increased attention to the study of antiblackness, particularly within schools and national boundaries, how antiblackness impacts transnational phenomena within the higher education (HE) field remains undertheorized. ...

“Flights for Freedom With Her Words”: Black, Latinx, and Polynesian Girls Co-Conspiring Against Misogynoir Through Love

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
I examine how youth racialized and gendered as Black girls co-conspired to challenge misogynoir with their peers racialized and gendered as Latina/x and Polynesian girls. I investigate how they did so within an after-school space at a public charter high ...

Students Under Surveillance: Big Data Policing and Privacy Rights

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
The surveillance and securitization of schools has transformed over the last decade to include predictive analytics and algorithms. In Florida, for example, the Pasco Sheriff’s Office used school record data sets to identify and monitor youth they ...

Contesting Racial Categories: Variability and Complexity in University Student Ethnoracial Self-Identifications

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
In scholarly research, racial categories are typically taken for granted. However, race categories vary over time and geography and reflect the social beliefs of the people who use them. Informed by quantitative critical race theory analysis, we ...

A Restorative Attempt to Bend the Binary: The Experiences of Genderqueer Students in a Restorative School District

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
The widespread adoption of restorative practices (RP) in U.S. schools to address inequities has been significant. However, the existing literature on RP lacks research measuring its impact on genderqueer students. This study explores the experiences of ...

Surveying Student/Intern Teachers for Their Development of Equity Literacy via Indigenous Epistemology

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
Creating equitable classrooms is difficult for many preservice teachers. Addressing this challenge includes helping them understand what equity is and recognizing how teaching practices contribute to (in)equitable learning environments. This investigation ...

Abolishing, Renarrativizing, and Revaluing: Dismantling Antiblack Racism in Education

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
In this article, we argue for the value of theorizing antiblackness to educational justice efforts, particularly those aimed at ensuring Black students succeed and thrive in schools. We first define antiblackness and describe how a frame of antiblackness ...

Anti-Blackness and Attendance Policy Implementation: Evidence From a Midwestern School District

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
This study considers the degree to which attendance policies and practices to address chronic absenteeism in a large Midwestern urban school district create suffering in Black parents’ experiences. In a secondary analysis of longitudinal qualitative data ...

Reviewing Concentrated Poverty Literature Through an Antiblackness Lens to Reveal a Concentrated Debt

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
The relationship between concentrated poverty and educational outcomes has received substantial attention in academic research over the last 3 decades. Researchers have argued that neighborhood characteristics are associated with academic achievement, ...

A Web of Punishment: Examining Black Student Interactions With School Police in Los Angeles

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
The presence of armed police officers in schools has sparked considerable policy debate and demands for reform. Thus far, much of the debate has centered on an empirical analysis of school resource officers rather than school police officers and their ...

In School, Engaged, on Track? The Effect of the Pandemic on Student Attendance, Course Grades, and Grade Retention in North Carolina

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
We examine effects of the pandemic on student attendance, course grades, and grade retention in North Carolina in 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 using descriptive and regression analyses. We find each outcome worsened on average in 2020–2021, with larger changes ...

Ahead of the Game? Course-Taking Patterns Under a Math Pathways Reform

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
A controversial, equity-focused mathematics reform in the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) featured delaying Algebra I until ninth grade for all students. This study examines student-level longitudinal data on mathematics course-taking across ...

The Purposes of Education: A Citizen Perspective Beyond Political Elites

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
Education has long been an area of political debate in the United States, with politicians and policymakers advocating for distinct societal and/or individual purposes of K–12 education. In this article, we examine the public opinion on the purpose of ...

Service Delivery Models: Impacts for Students With and Without Disabilities

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
Students with and without disabilities may be educated across various service delivery models (SDMs): general education, cotaught, pull-out, and self-contained. Still, evidence for their relative effectiveness at scale remains limited. Using longitudinal ...

Transitional Kindergarten: The New Kid on the Early Learning Block

Educational Researcher, Ahead of Print.
In recent years, several states have expanded a new publicly funded learning option: Transitional Kindergarten (TK). TK bridges prekindergarten and kindergarten in its eligibility, requirements, and design. Using Michigan as a case study, we examine TK’s ...