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Today — 13 March 2025SAGE Publications Inc: Applied Psychological Measurement: Table of Contents

On a Reparameterization of the MC-DINA Model

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
The MC-DINA model is a cognitive diagnosis model (CDM) for multiple-choice items that was introduced by de la Torre (2009). The model extends the usual CDM in two basic ways: it allows for nominal responses instead of only dichotomous responses, and it ...
Before yesterdaySAGE Publications Inc: Applied Psychological Measurement: Table of Contents

A Two-Step Q-Matrix Estimation Method

Applied Psychological Measurement, Volume 49, Issue 1-2, Page 3-28, March 2025.
Cognitive Diagnosis Models in educational measurement are restricted latent class models that describe ability in a knowledge domain as a composite of latent skills an examinee may have mastered or failed. Different combinations of skills define distinct ...

Optimal Test Design for Estimation of Mean Ability Growth

Applied Psychological Measurement, Volume 49, Issue 1-2, Page 29-49, March 2025.
The design of an achievement test is crucial for many reasons. This article focuses on a population’s ability growth between school grades. We define design as the allocating of test items concerning the difficulties. The objective is to present an ...

An Experimental Design to Investigate Item Parameter Drift

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Methods for detecting item parameter drift may be inadequate when every exposed item is at risk for drift. To address this scenario, a strategy for detecting item parameter drift is proposed that uses only unexposed items deployed in a stratified random ...

Application of Bayesian Decision Theory in Detecting Test Fraud

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
This article suggests a new approach based on Bayesian decision theory (e.g., Cronbach & Gleser, 1965; Ferguson, 1967) for detection of test fraud. The approach leads to a simple decision rule that involves the computation of the posterior probability ...

Compound Optimal Design for Online Item Calibration Under the Two-Parameter Logistic Model

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Under the theory of sequential design, compound optimal design with two optimality criteria can be used to solve the problem of efficient calibration of item parameters of item response theory model. In order to efficiently calibrate item parameters in ...

Few and Different: Detecting Examinees With Preknowledge Using Extended Isolation Forests

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Item preknowledge refers to the case where examinees have advanced knowledge of test material prior to taking the examination. When examinees have item preknowledge, the scores that result from those item responses are not true reflections of the examinee’...

Impact of Parameter Predictability and Joint Modeling of Response Accuracy and Response Time on Ability Estimates

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
To maintain test quality, a large supply of items is typically desired. Automatic item generation can result in a reduction in cost and labor, especially if the generated items have predictable item parameters and thus possibly reducing or eliminating the ...

Weighted Answer Similarity Analysis

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Romero et al. (2015; see also Wollack, 1997) developed theωstatistic as a method for detecting unusually similar answers between pairs of examinees. For each pair, theωstatistic considers whether the observed number of similar answers is significantly ...

Test Security and the Pandemic: Comparison of Test Center and Online Proctor Delivery Modalities

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Published information is limited regarding the security of testing programs, and even less on the relative security of different testing modalities: in-person at test centers (TC) versus remote online proctored (OP) testing. This article begins by ...

A Generalized Multi-Detector Combination Approach for Differential Item Functioning Detection

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Many studies on differential item functioning (DIF) detection rely on single detection methods (SDMs), each of which necessitates specific assumptions that may not always be validated. Using an inappropriate SDM can lead to diminished accuracy in DIF ...

An Information Manifold Perspective for Analyzing Test Data

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Modifications of current psychometric models for analyzing test data are proposed that produce an additive scale measure of information. This information measure is a one-dimensional space curve or curved surface manifold that is invariant across varying ...

Adaptive Measurement of Change in the Context of Item Parameter Drift

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Adaptive measurement of change (AMC) uses computerized adaptive testing (CAT) to measure and test the significance of intraindividual change on one or more latent traits. The extant AMC research has so far assumed that item parameter values are constant ...

Comparing Approaches to Estimating Person Parameters for the MUPP Model

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
This study compared maximum a posteriori (MAP), expected a posteriori (EAP), and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approaches to computing person scores from the Multi-Unidimensional Pairwise Preference Model. The MCMC approach used the No-U-Turn sampling (...

Semi-Parametric Item Response Theory With O’Sullivan Splines for Item Responses and Response Time

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Response time (RT) has been an essential resource for supplementing the estimation accuracy of latent traits and item parameters in educational testing. Most item response theory (IRT) approaches are based on parametric RT models. However, since test ...

Modeling Within- and Between-Person Differences in the Use of the Middle Category in Likert Scales

Applied Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
When using Likert scales, the inclusion of a middle-category response option poses a challenge for the valid measurement of the psychological attribute of interest. While this middle category is often included to provide respondents with a neutral ...