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Today — 9 March 2025Most Recent Articles: Molecular Autism
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Exploring EEG resting state differences in autism: sparse findings from a large cohort

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition, the precise neurobiological underpinnings of which remain elusive. Here, we focus on group differences in resting state EEG (rsEEG). Although many previous rep...

Dynamic functional adaptations during touch observation in autism: connectivity strength is linked to attitudes towards social touch and social responsiveness

Autistic adults experience differences in social interactions involving physical contact. Brain imaging studies suggest that these differences may be related to atypical brain responses to social-affective cue...

Age-related changes in brain signal variability in autism spectrum disorder

Brain signal variability (BSV) is an important understudied aspect of brain function linked to cognitive flexibility and adaptive behavior. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition char...

Evolutionary constrained genes associated with autism spectrum disorder across 2,054 nonhuman primate genomes

Significant progress has been made in elucidating the genetic underpinnings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of the link between genomics, neuro...

Autistic and transgender/gender diverse people’s experiences of health and healthcare

Autistic people and transgender/gender diverse people experience poorer healthcare experiences and greater risk of diagnosed, suspected, and assessment recommended health conditions, compared to non-autistic a...

Suboptimal but intact integration of Bayesian components during perceptual decision-making in autism

Alterations in sensory perception, a core phenotype of autism, are attributed to imbalanced integration of sensory information and prior knowledge during perceptual statistical (Bayesian) inference. This hypot...