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Before yesterdaySAGE Publications Inc: Educational Policy: Table of Contents

STEM Education and the Contradictory Realities of School Policies

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 522-528, March 2025.
STEM Education Reform in Urban High Schoolscritically examines the reality of STEM at a school level in the United States. In essence, its fundamental questions include: What actually happens in schools—and especially to students—when STEM becomes the ...

Poststructural Analysis of Anti-LGBTQ + Educational Policies

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 494-521, March 2025.
We draw on several critical paradigms, disciplines, and theories to interrogate 13 anti-LGBTQ+ educational policy texts. Using Institutional Theory (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2010; Carpenter & Feroz, 2001) and Poststructural Policy Analysis (Bacchi & ...

Examining U.S. Teachers’ Working Conditions in Online Schools

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 390-427, March 2025.
Enrollment in online schools (OS) has increased significantly in recent years. Due to advancements in technology, OS are able to provide education entirely online to K–12 students. Despite their growth, there has been little research on the working ...

Understanding Florida’s HB7: A Policy of Intimidation by Confusion

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 464-493, March 2025.
“Divisive Concepts” laws have sprung up around the nation as a backlash to the widespread commitments to anti-racist education that emerged in summer 2020. This critical policy analysis examines the concepts central to Florida’s “Individual Freedom Act” [...

Positionality in the Politics of Education: Mapping the Strategies and Constraints of Education Reformers

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 324-356, March 2025.
The success and failure of education reform policies often depend on the strategies of reformers. This article suggests a framework to understand thepositionalityof reformers, as they vary in their strategy (i.e., technical vs. relational) and focus for ...

How State Education Leaders Supported Students’ Access to Education Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons for Policy

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 357-389, March 2025.
While recent research provides insights into how district and school leaders responded to the extraordinary disruptions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, less is known about the role of influential state-level education leaders during the crisis. In this ...

Ensuring Educational Continuity in the Midst of Crisis: Policy and Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 279-323, March 2025.
As the COVID-19 crisis disrupted schooling, recovery efforts in California included the adoption of Senate Bill (SB) 98, which mandated local educational agencies to complete Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans (LCPs). These plans act as critical ...

A Framework for Deepening Racial Equity in Prenatal-Grade Three Systems: Lessons From a 10-Year Reflective Case Study

Educational Policy, Volume 39, Issue 2, Page 428-463, March 2025.
This paper uses a reflective, retrospective case study methodology to analyze data from a 10-year University-Community partnership focused on supporting implementation and improvement of a Prenatal-Grade 3 (P3) system in an elementary school. Using a ...

College Behind Bars: A Historiography of Higher Education in Prison

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
This article presents a synthesized historiography of higher education in American prisons, exploring interactions of federal, state, and institution-level policies within six specific states: California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, ...

Community School Implementation in Rural Vermont

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
This study highlights the Community Schools (CS) implementation experience of five rural Vermont schools. Principals and CS coordinators participating in a state-funded program aimed at CS establishment were interviewed to understand better their ...

State Goals, Institutional Social Constructions, and Utah’s Postsecondary Education Governance Reform Efforts

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
State-level postsecondary education governance has experienced a lull in successful reform efforts since the turn of the century. However, in 2020, the Utah System of Higher Education and Utah System of Technical Colleges were formally merged following a ...

A Shift in School Reform: Examining Site-Level Spending and Student Academic Growth

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
Accountability efforts under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has brought greater attention to school-level processes and practices and their impact on student outcomes. This has pushed states to report more school-level inputs, including per-pupil ...

Novice Teachers and Student Attendance in Early Elementary School

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
Student absenteeism in the earliest years of elementary school has been linked to a range of negative outcomes. Though the literature has examined numerous factors that are associated with children missing school, the role of teachers—especially at the ...

The edTPA as a Barrier to Preparing Antiracist Teachers in California

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
This paper explores the policy, pedagogy, and practice affordances and constraints of teacher education as an environment to develop pre-service teachers’ antiracism commitments. Through critical analysis of interviews with pre-service teachers and ...

Toward Race-Conscious Care-Based Healing to Support Latino Immigrant Youth

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
This longitudinal convergent mixed-methods study sheds light on how school-based personnel such as educators, counselors, and district leaders perceive the needs of immigrant youth. Additionally, we explore how immigrant youth experience belonging and ...

Race Placed: Special Education Identification and Placement of Black Students

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
This study investigates the overrepresentation of Black students in special education by looking at the association of race and related variables with referral, identification, and placement. Analyses were performed on a statewide sample of students and ...

The State of Elementary School Recess in Georgia: Policy, the Pandemic, and Patterns of Play

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
While we continue to see a growing push for the restoration and codification of recess in elementary schools, policy does not necessarily equal practice. Georgia recently passed legislation requiring at least 20 minutes of recess per day for students in ...

Educational Philanthropy’s “Racial Reckoning” in the Wake of 2020: Understanding Grantmakers’ Responses to Racialized Crises

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
The intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic and anti-Black violence prompted talk of racial reckoning among educational grantmakers in 2020 to 2021. This study examines the nature and extent of this reckoning, offering insights into policy actors’ responses ...

Neoliberalism and the Complexities of Conceptualizing Community School Policy for Racial Equity

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
Full-service community schools are increasingly adopted as educational policy nationwide to transform educational institutions into community hubs, addressing racial and social disparities and countering deficit narratives related to marginalized youth ...

Racialized Decoupling and Race-Neutral School Integration Policies From the Implementers’ Perspective

Educational Policy, Ahead of Print.
Today’s school integration policies in the United States are often “race neutral.” Scholarship on these race-neutral school integration policies finds they do not change the racial and ethnic composition of schools or do so under very specific conditions. ...