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Before yesterdayAmerican Educational Research Association: Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics: Table of Contents

Predictive Performance of Bayesian Stacking in Multilevel Education Data

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Volume 50, Issue 2, Page 214-238, April 2025.
The issue of model uncertainty has been gaining interest in education and the social sciences community over the years, and the dominant methods for handling model uncertainty are based on Bayesian inference, particularly, Bayesian model averaging. ...

Detecting Compromised Items With Response Times Using a Bayesian Change-Point Approach

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Volume 50, Issue 2, Page 296-330, April 2025.
Item compromise has long posed challenges in educational measurement, jeopardizing both test validity and test security of continuous tests. Detecting compromised items is therefore crucial to address this concern. The present literature on compromised ...

Redefining Item Response Models for Small Samples

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Volume 50, Issue 2, Page 272-295, April 2025.
Popular item response theory (IRT) models are considered complex, mainly due to the inclusion of a random factor variable (latent variable). The random factor variable represents the incidental parameter problem since the number of parameters increases ...

Measurement and Uncertainty Preserving Parametric Modeling for Continuous Latent Variables With Discrete Indicators and External Variables

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Volume 50, Issue 2, Page 239-271, April 2025.
Research in education and behavioral sciences often involves the use of latent variable models that are related to indicators, as well as related to covariates or outcomes. Such models are subject to interpretational confounding, which occurs when fitting ...

Bayesian Diagnostic Classification Models for a Partially Known Q-Matrix

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Volume 50, Issue 2, Page 331-382, April 2025.
This study proposes a Bayesian method for diagnostic classification models (DCMs) for a partially known Q-matrix setting between exploratory and confirmatory DCMs. This Q-matrix setting is practical and useful because test experts have pre-knowledge of ...

Using Permutation Tests to Identify Statistically Sound and Nonredundant Sequential Patterns in Educational Event Sequences

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Frequent sequential pattern mining is a valuable technique for capturing the relative arrangement of learning events, but current algorithms often return excessive learning event patterns, many of which may be noise or redundant. These issues exacerbate ...

A Two-Stage Regression Approach to Detecting Section Score Inconsistency

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
For an assessment with multiple sections measuring related constructs, test takers with higher scores on one section are expected to perform better on the related sections. When the sections involve different test designs, test takers with preknowledge of ...

Assessing Item Fit Using Expected Score Curve Under Restricted Recalibration

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
In item response theory applications, item fit analysis is often performed for precalibrated items using response data from subsequent test administrations. Because such practices lead to the involvement of sampling variability from two distinct samples ...

Using MLP-F in Three Different Aberrant Behaviors in Education

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Zhu et al. proposed a person-fit method based on the neural network called machine learning person-fit method (MLP-F) and found promising improvements over some traditional methods. MLP-F relies on constructing an appropriate neural network and uses mean ...

An Improved Satterthwaite (1941, 1946) Effective df Approximation

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
This study introduces a correction to the approximation of effectivedfas proposed by Satterthwaite, specifically addressing scenarios where componentdfare small. The correction is grounded in analytical results concerning the moments of standard ...

Using the Information Metric to Analyze Clinical Rating Scales

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
A rating scale is a set of categories designed to obtain information about a quantitative or a qualitative attribute. Item response theory (IRT) proposes that a probability function over a single latent variable represents the overall attribute evolution ...

Using a Deep Learning-Based Visual Computational Model to Identify Cognitive Strategies in Matrix Reasoning

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Constructive matching and response elimination strategies are two primarily used cognitive strategies in Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), a valid measurement instrument of general intelligence. Identifying strategies is necessary for ...

A Position-Sensitive Mixture Item Response Model

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Standard item response theory (IRT) models are ill-equipped for when the probability of a correct response depends on the location in the test where an item is encountered—a phenomenon we refer to as position effects. Unmodeled position effects complicate ...

A Mixture Response Model for Identifying Item Preknowledge

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
As one of the three broad types of test cheating, item preknowledge has always been a severe threat to test validity and is widespread in various testing programs, especially within some high-volume certification testing programs. While many response-...

Approaches to Statistical Efficiency When Comparing the Embedded Adaptive Interventions in a SMART

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Sequential, multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs), which assist in the optimization of adaptive interventions, are growing in popularity in education and behavioral sciences. This is unsurprising, as adaptive interventions reflect the sequential, ...

Extending the Cluster Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Polytomous Items

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
To objectively compare groups on any latent trait using tests, the absence of differential item functioning (DIF) is crucial. While the importance of DIF has been well-established in research, the question of how to identify DIF-free items is still ...

The Rank-2PL IRT Models for Forced-Choice Questionnaires: Maximum Marginal Likelihood Estimation with an EM Algorithm

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
The rank two-parameter logistic (Rank-2PL) item response theory models refer to a set of models applying the 2PL model in a sequential ranking process that occurs in forced-choice questionnaires. The multi-unidimensional pairwise preference with 2PL model ...

A Family of Cognitive Diagnosis Models for Continuous Bounded Responses

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Continuous bounded responses in psychometrics usually come from the visual analog scale (VAS). The VAS is a rating scale measurement tool that requires respondents to report their agreement with items by tracing a mark somewhere on a fixed-length ...

Iterative Attribute Hierarchy Exploration Methods for Cognitive Diagnosis Models

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Attribute hierarchies are commonly assumed to exist in many fields of psychological and educational assessment. Several theory-driven and data-driven approaches have been used to validate or explore attribute hierarchies, such as validating attribute ...

Exploiting Network Information to Disentangle Spillover Effects in a Field Experiment on Teens’ Museum Attendance

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
A key element in the education of youths is their sensitization to historical and artistic heritage. We analyze a field experiment conducted in Florence (Italy) to assess how appropriate incentives assigned to high-school classes may induce teens to visit ...

Improving the Estimation of Site-Specific Effects and Their Distribution in Multisite Trials

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
In multisite trials, researchers are often interested in several inferential goals: estimating treatment effects for each site, ranking these effects, and studying their distribution. This study seeks to identify optimal methods for estimating these ...

Evaluating Intersectional Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making Using Intersectional Differential Algorithmic Functioning

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Ensuring fairness is crucial in developing modern algorithms and tests. To address potential biases and discrimination in algorithmic decision making, researchers have drawn insights from the test fairness literature, notably the work on differential ...

Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs With Multiple Control Groups Under One-Sided Noncompliance: Evaluating Extended Time Accommodations

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Since its conception by Thistlethwaite and Campbell, a regression discontinuity (RD) design has continuously evolved and progressed in various aspects. This paper explores a novel theoretical advancement in fuzzy RD designs by combining them with multiple ...

A Note on the Asymptotic Posterior Normality of Multivariate Latent Traits in an IRT Model for Polytomous Items of Mixed Format

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
The asymptotic posterior normality (APN) of the latent vector in an item response theory model is an important argument in modeling and inference. For a single latent trait, Chang and Stout proved its APN for binary items under general conditions, which ...

Mitigating Omitted Variable Bias in Exploratory Differential Item Functioning Assessment: A Propensity Score Adjustment Approach

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Omitted variable bias (OVB) in differential item functioning (DIF) assessment can lead to biased estimates of DIF effects, increasing type I error rates and reducing statistical power. Methodologies for addressing OVB, particularly under exploratory ...

Using Ordering Theory to Learn Attribute Hierarchies From Examinees’ Attribute Profiles

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
In cognitive diagnosis, attribute hierarchies are considered important structural features of cognitive diagnostic models, as they provide auxiliary information about the nature of attributes. In this article, the idea of ordering theory is applied to ...

Smoothing of Bivariate Test Score Distributions: Model Selection Targeting Test Score Equating

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Observed-score test equating is a vital part of every testing program, aiming to make test scores across test administrations comparable. Central to this process is the equating function, typically estimated by composing distribution functions of the ...

A Hybrid EM Algorithm for Linear Two-Way Interactions With Missing Data

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
We study an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for estimating product-term regression models with missing data. The study of such problems in the frequentist tradition has thus far been restricted to an EM algorithm method using full numerical ...

A Quasi-Poisson Item Response Theory Model for Heterogeneous Dispersion in Count Data

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Item-level count data frequently arise in cognitive, educational, and psychological assessments. Correctly handling different dispersion levels in count data is crucial for accurate statistical inference. This research proposes a Quasi-Poisson item ...

Online Calibration for Multidimensional CAT With Polytomously Scored Items: A Neural Network–Based Approach

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Online calibration is a key technology for calibrating new items in computerized adaptive testing (CAT). As multidimensional polytomous data become popular, online calibration methods applicable to multidimensional CAT with polytomously scored items (P-...

New Iterative Algorithms for Estimation of Item Functioning

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
This article explores innovations for parameter estimation in generalized linear and nonlinear models, which may be used in item response modeling to account for guessing/pretending or slipping/dissimulation and for the effect of covariates. We introduce ...

Bayesian Variable Selection in Dynamic Item Response Theory Models

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
The recent surge in computerized testing brings challenges in the analysis of testing data with classic item response theory (IRT) models. To handle individually varying and irregularly spaced longitudinal dichotomous responses, we adopt a dynamic IRT ...

A Polytomous Extension of the Higher-Order, Hidden Markov Model With Covariates and Hierarchical Learning Trajectories

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
In practice, constructed-response items are commonly used to diagnose students’ performance using polytomous scores. Existing longitudinal cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) primarily focus on dichotomizing the data, unsuitable for polytomous scores. This ...

Estimating Causal Mediation Effects in Multiple-Mediator Analyses With Clustered Data

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Multiple-mediator analyses with clustered data are common in educational and behavioral sciences, but limited methods exist to assess the causal mediation effects via each of multiple mediators. In this study, we extend the multiply robust method to make ...

Estimating the Reliability of Skill Transitions in Longitudinal Diagnostic Classification Models

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Diagnostic classification models (DCMs) have grown in popularity as stakeholders increasingly desire actionable information related to students’ skill competencies. Longitudinal DCMs offer a psychometric framework for providing estimates of students’ ...

Generally Applicable Variance Estimation Methods for Common-Population Linking

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Educational assessments require periodic administration changes, such as transitioning from paper to digital administration. During such transitions, a linking function relating the metrics of the new and previous administration is estimated, but ...

Decomposing Impact on Longitudinal Outcome of Time-Varying Covariate into Baseline Effect and Temporal Effect

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Ahead of Print.
Longitudinal processes are often associated with each other over time; therefore, it is important to investigate the associations among developmental processes and understand their joint development. The traditional latent growth curve model (LGCM) with a ...