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Yesterday — 8 March 2025SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Alternative grading systems and student outcomes: a comparative analysis of motivation, enjoyment, engagement, stress, and perceptions of final grades
Before yesterdaySRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Students’ engagement with ChatGPT feedback: implications for student feedback literacy in the context of generative artificial intelligence
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Enhancing the structure of feedback forms increases trustworthiness and usefulness of peer feedback
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Higher education quality assurance in Central Europe – Beyond accreditation towards divergence
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Self-assessment design in a digital world: centring student agency
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Understanding the place and value of GenAI feedback: a recognition-based framework
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- ‘Where’s the line? It’s an absurd line’: towards a framework for acceptable uses of AI in assessment
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Student contributions to quality assurance in higher education: a systematic literature review
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- The student feedback literacy instrument (SFLI): multilingual validation and introduction of a short-form version
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Self-Positions in student teachers’ perceptions of assessment
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Unpacking teacher beliefs on feedback: shaping multifaceted teacher feedback literacy
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- Universities’ policies on feedback speed do not meaningfully predict students’ satisfaction with assessment and feedback
SRHE Website: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education: Table of Contents
- The Impact of Timely Formative Feedback on University Student Motivation