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Today — 11 March 2025SAGE Publications Inc: Educational and Psychological Measurement: Table of Contents

Improving the Use of Parallel Analysis by Accounting for Sampling Variability of the Observed Correlation Matrix

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 114-133, February 2025.
Parallel analysis has been considered one of the most accurate methods for determining the number of factors in factor analysis. One major advantage of parallel analysis over traditional factor retention methods (e.g., Kaiser’s rule) is that it addresses ...

Linear and Nonlinear Indices of Score Accuracy and Item Effectiveness for Measures That Contain Locally Dependent Items

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 60-81, February 2025.
The problem of local item dependencies (LIDs) is very common in personality and attitude measures, particularly in those that measure narrow-bandwidth dimensions. At the structural level, these dependencies can be modeled by using extended factor analytic ...

Examining the Dynamic of Clustering Effects in Multilevel Designs: A Latent Variable Method Application

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 156-177, February 2025.
This note is concerned with the study of temporal development in several indices reflecting clustering effects in multilevel designs that are frequently utilized in educational and behavioral research. A latent variable method-based approach is outlined, ...

Is Effort Moderated Scoring Robust to Multidimensional Rapid Guessing?

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 134-155, February 2025.
To mitigate the potential damaging consequences of rapid guessing (RG), a form of noneffortful responding, researchers have proposed a number of scoring approaches. The present simulation study examines the robustness of the most popular of these ...

Added Value of Subscores for Tests With Polytomous Items

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 38-59, February 2025.
Test-takers, policymakers, teachers, and institutions are increasingly demanding that testing programs provide more detailed feedback regarding test performance. As a result, there has been a growing interest in the reporting of subscores that potentially ...

Evaluating The Predictive Reliability of Neural Networks in Psychological Research With Random Datasets

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 5-37, February 2025.
Psychologists are emphasizing the importance of predictive conclusions. Machine learning methods, such as supervised neural networks, have been used in psychological studies as they naturally fit prediction tasks. However, we are concerned about whether ...

Exploring the Influence of Response Styles on Continuous Scale Assessments: Insights From a Novel Modeling Approach

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 178-214, February 2025.
The use of discrete categorical formats to assess psychological traits has a long-standing tradition that is deeply embedded in item response theory models. The increasing prevalence and endorsement of computer- or web-based testing has led to greater ...

Evaluating Imputation-Based Fit Statistics in Structural Equation Modeling With Ordinal Data: The MI2S Approach

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 82-113, February 2025.
The multiple imputation two-stage (MI2S) approach holds promise for evaluating the model fit of structural equation models for ordinal variables with multiply imputed data. However, previous studies only examined the performance of MI2S-based residual-...

Field-Testing Multiple-Choice Questions With AI Examinees: English Grammar Items

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Field-testing is an essential yet often resource-intensive step in the development of high-quality educational assessments. I introduce an innovative method for field-testing newly written exam items by substituting human examinees with artificially ...

Interpretation of the Standardized Mean Difference Effect Size When Distributions Are Not Normal or Homoscedastic

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
The standardized mean difference (sometimes called Cohen’s d) is an effect size measure widely used to describe the outcomes of experiments. It is mathematically natural to describe differences between groups of data that are normally distributed with ...

On Latent Structure Examination of Behavioral Measuring Instruments in Complex Empirical Settings

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
A multiple-step procedure is outlined that can be used for examining the latent structure of behavior measurement instruments in complex empirical settings. The method permits one to study their latent structure after assessing the need to account for ...

A Note on Evaluation of Polytomous Item Locations With the Rating Scale Model and Testing Its Fit

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
A procedure is outlined for point and interval estimation of location parameters associated with polytomous items, or raters assessing studied subjects or cases, which follow the rating scale model. The method is developed within the framework of latent ...

Studying Factorial Invariance With Nominal Items: A Note on a Latent Variable Modeling Procedure

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
A latent variable modeling procedure for studying factorial invariance and differential item functioning for multi-component measuring instruments with nominal items is discussed. The method is based on a multiple testing approach utilizing the false ...

Can One Pool Over Site in a Multi-Site Study With Categorical Item Measuring Instruments?: A Multiple Testing Procedure

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
We outline a procedure for examining collapsibility over site in multiple-location settings that are frequently utilized in contemporary educational and behavioral research. The method is based on a test of cross-site identity of the response ...

Investigating the Ordering Structure of Clustered Items Using Nonparametric Item Response Theory

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
Educational and psychological tests with an ordered item structure enable efficient test administration procedures and allow for intuitive score interpretation and monitoring. The effectiveness of the measurement instrument relies to a large extent on the ...

Using ROC Analysis to Refine Cut Scores Following a Standard Setting Process

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
In educational assessment, cut scores are often defined through standard setting by a group of subject matter experts. This study aims to investigate the impact of several factors on classification accuracy using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)...

Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using Response Time

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
This study investigated uniform differential item functioning (DIF) detection in response times. We proposed a regression analysis approach with both the working speed and the group membership as independent variables, and logarithm transformed response ...

Differential Item Functioning Effect Size Use for Validity Information

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
There has been an emphasis on effect sizes for differential item functioning (DIF) with the purpose to understand the magnitude of the differences that are detected through statistical significance testing. Several different effect sizes have been ...

Discriminant Validity of Interval Response Formats: Investigating the Dimensional Structure of Interval Widths

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
In psychological research, respondents are usually asked to answer questions with a single response value. A useful alternative are interval response formats like the dual-range slider (DRS) where respondents provide an interval with a lower and an upper ...

Novick Meets Bayes: Improving the Assessment of Individual Students in Educational Practice and Research by Capitalizing on Assessors’ Prior Beliefs

Educational and Psychological Measurement, Ahead of Print.
The assessment of individual students is not only crucial in the school setting but also at the core of educational research. Although classical test theory focuses on maximizing insights from student responses, the Bayesian perspective incorporates the ...